Social Media Platforms and Story-Telling Marketing Strategy
Marketing is about telling stories, and telling interesting ones that people want to listen. If you know how to tell stories, and tell it effectively in Facebook and online, people will be attached to you and your story, which results to branding, long-term affinity and engagement. This will then translate to dollars and cents. People are looking for relationships, and relationships are stories.
The biggest buzzword now in terms of marketing online, is Social Media Marketing. Social Media means, a platform which is Social, with loads of people, and because of the multitude of people, it becomes a media for advertising, marketing, branding and public relations.
Social Media is divided into 4 categories:
1. Wikis – collaboration platforms which allow for team based project management spread across different geographical team members.
2. Forums – opinion and thread communication platforms in the form of Facebook Fan Pages or Groups or even websites.
3. Blogs – corporate blogs that discusses about a company and vanity blogs that discusses about personal life. Blog platforms allow commenting and interaction with the reading audience.
4. Social Networks – like Facebook and even YouTube and Twitter which allows people to share photos, status updates and videos.
As its namesake, Social means people, and people means stories.
In order to successfully market on Social Media, marketers need to learn to focus on telling stories. Using those stories, and coupling it with meaning, marketers can then gather awareness, attachment and affinity, which will then translate to long-term following, and ultimately, sales and profits.
Remember, every person is charting a story, and being able to tell the right story for them to empathize with, is the new crucial skill to marketing today, especially on Social Media platforms.