
How To Build A Network Marketing Business Successfully and Attract More Prospects To You!

To build a network marketing business successfully and attract more prospects to you is very challenging! More network marketers get burn using traditional strategies and prospecting techniques. You may have some success with the traditional methods but it doesn’t set you up to consistently build your organization. So how can one build a successful business…

Real Estate Marketing – Is Newspaper Advertising Still Viable in Today’s Market?

Frequently sellers insist that their agents put ads in the local paper. Is this means of advertising still legit? While newspapers are still running For Sale and Open House ads in the paper, these sections are not what they used to be a few years ago. Buyers just aren’t utilizing the newspaper classifieds like they…

Makmende Phenomenon – Social Media Marketing Does it Again For a Kenyan Website

This issue of residing up country has completely embarrassed me. I realized this when my friend from the US asked me what is Makmende. First of all I thought she was trying to insult me, only to realize that almost every updated Kenyan is discussing the word on social media sites. By the way who…

Make Money Online With Internet Marketing

So you want to make money online with internet marketing. It is a very good possibility if you understand what you are doing. There are a lot of people doing this today with a lot of different techniques. While there are hundreds of ways to do it, we would like to focus on just a…

Party Ideas For Nightclub Promoters

Once you get going in your nightclub promoting job, you’re going to be throwing your own events. And when you throw your own events, you’re going to want to come up with your own themes or ideas for them. So here’s a list of some of my favorite party ideas for nightclub promoters. Check them…

Blair Witch Marketing

I just read a fascinating article in the November 2006 issue of Fast Company that has some revolutionary ideas about marketing. By now everyone with an interest in marketing has read the story of how the horror movie, The Blair Witch Project was made for $22,000 and parlayed into $248 million at the box office,…

Direct Marketing Secrets – Easily Conquer Your Niche and Be the Dominant Guru in Your Market

Want to easily conquer your niche information marketing niche? The answer is to be the dominant guru in your market! This is easier said than done but there are some shortcuts that can get you there faster. Here are the secrets to getting ‘guru’ status in your niche in quick-fire time: 1. Create Breakthrough Killer…

Cultural Tourism – Be the Tourist That Makes a Difference

I define cultural tourism as a form of active tourism which seeks to enrich individuals while strengthening the cultural heritage of local communities. As a consultant on cultural development and promotion, I often encounter key officials in the realm of tourism. I have understood through time and personal experiences that the quality of tourism and…

The Top Ten Traffic Techniques for 2014

Traffic. There are times in our life when we want traffic and times we don’t. If you are on the road driving, trying to get from point A to point B, the less traffic the better. But, as a website or blog owner, without traffic you will not survive! There are numerous ways, both online…

Internet Marketing – Getting More Traffic To Your Site

The great thing about the Internet is that you can Market twenty fours a day.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to get their business out there as it can be seen by potential customers regardless of time zone. If your goal is to expand your business then you definitely need to start…

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