
Small Mail Order Business – Helpful Tips

Starting a small mail order business can be very profitable if done carefully from the beginning. I’ll share with you some of my helpful tips to get you moving in your own small mail order business. Your small mail order business always starts out with a good product or service that you want to sell….

IGR and Formalising the Informal Economy in Nigeria

Nigeria has had a tumultuous history, marked by decades of virulent political and civilian strife since its independence in 1960. The oil boom of the ’70s brought windfall profits to the emerging state, but corruption and gross mismanagement blighted economic indicators and rendered the vast majority of its population destitute. A reforms process initiated after…

Website Design – Top 7 Tips to Chose Your Web Design Company

In this digital age it is a must for any and every organization – be it small retail store or a giant corporation – to have its presence on the web. In fact for any organization having a web presence is a must as it allows the organization to bridge the gap between themselves and…

8 Ways to Find A Copywriting Job In Your Town

Did you realize that you can find a copywriting job right in your home town? Even if you live in a relatively small community, you’ll be surprised at the amount of potential copywriting jobs that are around you and that you may not have even noticed before. Here are 8 ways to tap into the…

Crowd Marketing – How to Promote Your Business

With the emergence of the Internet and social media platforms with the audience of thousands and thousands of people, the concept of crowd marketing is seemingly a better marketing solution for a lot of companies. What is Crowd Marketing? A popular marketing technique in which a business connects to an influencer, who is in direct…

Vehicle Wraps Great for Alternative Signage

As a business owner, I want my business to be as visible as possible when my potential customers and customers are passing by my location. I am not along in this desire about my business. This is a problem for many businesses that are either located off of a major route, or don’t have or…

Using Facebook To Amplify Your Year-End Fundraising

Let’s find out what are the main reasons giving on social media works and how you can use them to your advantage. Reinventing social image People who are actively involved in social media have reinvented the notion of social media. Now you can re-create your whole life and persona on Facebook. Supporting a cause is…

Facebook Pages: 5 Simple Ways to Get More Fans

With millions of people accessing Facebook on a daily basis, the social networking site has also evolved as a popular platform to promote your business activities, products and services. Once you create a page on Facebook, the same can be used by your business as an efficient medium of advertisement and marketing. But you have…

8 Amazing Benefits Of Choosing WordPress Development For Business Sites

Since its inception and discovery, WordPress sites have gained immense popularity in the tech arena. Especially, when it comes to developing highly interactive websites, it’s quite tough to find an option like WordPress. Apart from being the most widely-used and highly popular blogging software, WordPress also emerges as one of the best CMS platforms for…

Harmonization: Is It a Global or an International Thing?

Harmonization is vital to accounting in today’s world. Harmonization falls under the concept of international convergence. As mentioned on the Financial Accounting standards Board website, convergence first came about in the late 1950s in response to post WWII economic integration and related increases in cross-border capital flows. According to harmonization is described as reducing…

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