
Rev Up Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

In less than five years, social media has revolutionized not only our communication culture but how we conduct business. The dizzying effect of unlimited-and sometimes unfettered-24-hour access to people and information has transformed the various tools into a game changer. There is a broad and increasing list of sites, including BlinkList, YouTube, Delicious, Flickr, Tumblr,…

Digital Marketing Through Pay Per Click (PPC) Model

Pay Per Click model of digital marketing is the most common and evidently effective tool the World Wide web has to offer to advertisers jostling for online traffic for their websites and, in turn, generating more revenue by successfully converting a visitor to their web page into a customer. In order to best exploit the…

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Working With a Professional Local SEO Company Vs DIY SEO

Some business owners are squeamish when it comes to working with a local search engine optimization (SEO) company. This is mostly due to the unfortunate truth that many local SEO firms are scams or use unaccepted SEO techniques. However, not all SEO companies are out to get you and although many SEO tactics and tools…

3 Ways to Use Social Media in Network Marketing

Social media is the perfect marriage for the network marketing industry. I have known and met many network marketers who use mediums such as Facebook and MySpace purely for their business and have seen great success. I have personally used the powers of social media to recruit as many as sixteen new distributors in one…

How to Add Festive Flair to Your Website for the Holidays

8 Simple Seasonal website branding Tips Are you decking out your home with holly, stringing lights on your porch and setting up Santa in your front yard? For many people, it’s time to start celebrating the most wonderful time of the year. While you’re doing that, don’t forget to give your business website a makeover!…

Internet Marketing–Various Online Business Models

There are many different methods of making an online income. In reality, they are all very similar to the business models you see in the offline world. You can sell goods and services, you can produce products for wholesale distribution, you can sell information, you can sell tools to help people in their own business…

J2ME – Java Programming for Mobile Devices

mobile application development has reached greater heights with the development of new applications on a daily basis. Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) is a set of specifications and technologies that are developed for small devices like mobile phones, pagers etc. In other words, J2ME is a software development platform and a mobile independent language that…

Getting Small Business Grants – Free Money For Your Start-up, and Never Repay!

If you are sick of working for someone else and have a pretty good idea about how you may be able to become self employed, you might just qualify to receive free government small business grants to establish a new independently owned company, and say goodbye to your boss forever. There is quite an exorbitant…

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