
Internet Marketing – 5 Easy Steps to Market Your Website

What if you discovered the secret recipe to promote your internet business and the power of internet marketing? Do you want to know how marketing your website on the internet can boost your business to new heights? The purpose of this article is to get you started making crazy income step by step starting today….

Why Hybrid Is An Ideal Platform For Launching Your First App

Nowadays there’s a mobile app for everything such as ridesharing, dating, finance, gaming, seeking medical help, music and they can do nearly anything you can imagine. The massive influx of mobile applications has no doubt changed the world. They have become an inextricable part of our daily life and have changed the focus from what’s…

Starting An Online Business – Top 3 Ways To Improve Your Existing Local Business

I think we can all agree that these days are tough times to start an online business. Some say the economic crisis is over. It may be, but it doesn’t change the fact that consumers and investors are still reeling from the effects of it. But if you already have an existing local business, then…

Social Media, Networking and Knowledge Management

Social networking, also referred to as social media, is an online network where a group of people get connected by bonds of friendship, professional relationship or some kind of common interest and passion. It comprises many internet based tools that let people to communicate, interact, engage and collaborate with each other in real-time, hence a…

Keys to Successful Web Commerce – Watch, Assess and React

A large proportion of businesses today spend a great deal of time trying to win new customers. Large amounts of money will be ploughed into getting expert sales people to chase leads and advising existing customers to make word of mouth praise. In our technologically advancing world, determined business owners also throw hefty amounts of…

The Business Benefits of Advergaming

Research has shown that 42% of gamers play online games for one or more hours per week. 50% of people who play advergames will do so for 25 minutes. And 90% of people who receive advergame challenges from someone they know will not only play an advergame, but respond to the one who sent them…

5 Crucial Factors to Consider for a Successful App Launch

An innovative idea turns into a success story only and only if executed in the right way. Being a mobile startup, it is important to understand that not all mobile app ideas manage to succeed and reach into the customers’ hands. There are dozens of factors which, affect the success of a mobile application. Thus,…

Top 5 Small Business Marketing Mistakes

In recent years, business has shifted to being conducted in a large part online. With millions of consumers using the web, there are vast opportunities for small businesses to make a mark on the web. Using strategies such as local online marketing and advertising campaigns, search engine optimization, etc. (the same tactics used by large…

Is Business Social Media Marketing Still Worth It?

Articles on the algorithm change on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are circulating all over the internet. They say it has become harder for business to market online because the platforms aren’t like they used to be. The platforms are implementing these changes in an attempt to leverage the “social” in social media. This, however, does…

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density indicates the number of times a particular keyword or key phrase appears in certain parts of your web page, including the headline and the body. Ideally, your content should include as many relevant keywords as it can. However, doing so could ruin the flow of your sentences and could end up reading unnaturally….

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