
Viral Marketing Strategy – Top Viral Marketing Methods

Viral marketing is a very powerful marketing method where thousands of companies use to supercharge their sales and bring more profit for less cost. Viral marketing is also known by it’s name “viral” to be able to spread across the internet like a viral infection. This will bring mass traffic to the company’s web site…

How Mobile Apps Developers Can Save Smartphone Battery

The simplest way through which free applications make money is by serving advertisements. These advertisements, as in the case of iPhone are served by the iAd network servers, that serves rich-media advertisements. Advertisements generated by iAd are based on user preferences like age, location, gender, and other parameters like these. In addition, to the preferences…

Broadband Satellite Internet as a Small Business Opputunity

Though DSL and Cable internet connection are ubiquitous is cities, broadband internet connection has not penetrated the rural and far flung areas. That does not mean there is no demand for high speed internet connection in those areas. The only broadband option available in those areas is satellite internet. Cost has been a major factor…

Link Building for Marketing Success

As the diversities and complexities of online marketing continue to proliferate the web landscape, we recommend that you implement some link building strategies for better successes with your online marketing strategy. If you wish to use the services of a professional marketing firm, Marketing consultants or top marketing agencies are good sources to access help…

Online Reputation Management and Tools – The Next Big Thing?

Online Reputation Management have become extremely powerful words as far as brand management and brand promotion are concerned. Today a brand, irrespective of the industry or sector it belongs to, has to set apart a part of their spending’s for online brand promotion and more importantly for steering the brand perception for favorable outcomes. Online…

Viral Marketing and Its Types of Campaigns

Viral marketing is today’s popular and very frequently used marketing strategy that relies largely on individuals rather than traditional campaigns to pass along a message to others. Basically, viral marketing and viral advertising use pre-existing social networks to generate exponential enhancements in brand awareness along with the help of self-replicating viral processes, corresponding to the…

Future of Mobile Apps

One technology decision that must be made early on when developing an application is whether it is to be written using native or web APIs. Depending upon the application, native APIs may be required to meet the user’s expectations. However, for most applications, web technologies consisting of HTML 5, JavaScript, and CSS provide equal user…

The Four Stages of ‘Change Curve’ Small Business Owners Should Know

The ‘Change Curve’ is a helpful tool for small businesses to understand the stages of personal transition each employee undergoes. Kubler Ross developed this model to explain the grieving process (Shock and Denial, Anger and Fear, Acceptance and Commitment). This model helps small business owners predict how employees will react to a change, and advises…

Social Media For Beginners

Social Media in all of its various forms has taken the internet by storm; most people, however limited their web knowledge, will have heard of at least some of the hundreds of sites adored by masses of internet users. You’ll probably be familiar with names such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter even if you…

The Best Methods For a Good Brand Management on the Web

Google and other search engines will store anything you publish or is posted about your company in any website, blog or social network in the world. Depending on the dimensions of your company and the business model – if you have many relations with end-users or not, you will need a certain level of implication…

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