Local Business

7 Ways to Promote Your Website Locally

Now that you’ve built your new website you can sit back and let it do all the work, right? Well no. Unlike in “Field of Dreams” if you build it, they won’t necessarily come, at least not until you ask them to! That’s where web site promotion comes in. Web site promotion provides that vital…

Insurance SEO – Local, Regional And National Insurance SEO Defined

What’s the difference between Local Insurance SEO and National Insurance SEO? For that matter, what do SEO specialists mean when they discuss the difference between Regional SEO and National SEO? And how do these three important categories affect the Search Engine Results Pages for leading search engines like Google and Bing? Let’s start with the…

How To Improve Your Small Business?

There are more than 28.8 million businesses found all throughout America. Many of these small businesses fight to stay open for business for more than 5 years, before being force to close down. The competition among small businesses in America have significantly increased, due to the advancement in technology and services provided to consumers. Businesses…

Google Has Done It Again! The Google Voice Local Search

Giant Google has no sleep at all! When you think their out of gadgets, Google comes up with another ground shaker! This time Google is showing it’s teeth in another area and I have to say, I just didn’t see this coming! But, let’s not beat around the bush and get strait into it: The…

How to Optimise Your Business For Local Search With Google

Make sure you optimise your business for local search with Google How your business is listed in local search is critical to your business getting website traffic. Optimisation of your listing to improve the “find ability ” of your website is equally important. I find it amazing that just over ten percent of small –…

Local Merchants Are Hurting and Need Our Help

We were moving right along with a thriving economy and then it happened… Covid 19. Everything came to a screeching halt as we processed what we were experiencing and how we going to react. We kept getting mixed “opinions” on what to do and not do. In many cases, mandates were imposed like we have…

Small Business Lead Generation Made Easy Online

With people giving Yellow Pages and directory inquiries a miss and going straight to the internet to search for local businesses, it is essential for small businesses to both have an online presence and a small business lead generation system in place. There are two roads to go down to get more business prospects –…

How Local Search Engine Marketing Can Benefit Business

The major search engines nowadays tend to provide the local businesses with high profile marketing tools. Google, Yahoo and Bing have created their respective local business listing tools. Incorporating the local element in their algorithms, the search engines have popularized the concept of local search engine marketing. For the small business owners, it can be…

What Google’s New Core Web Vitals Rankings Mean For Small Businesses

How To Navigate The Latest Google May 2021 Update I know how important Google rankings are for small business owners, because I’m a small business owner myself. I also know that while the web development world has been abuzz with Google’s anticipated algorithm update, most of the small business owners I deal with have no…

Online Marketing Tools For Small Business

For many individuals, the presence of the Internet has made it possible for people to create their own business, along with being able to compete with larger companies who are within their niche. Probably the hardest tasks for these new companies are finding tools online that are designed for Internet marketing the small business. This…

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