Local Business

Internet Marketing Courses – Get the Web Working For Your Business

Small business marketing is unrecognisable to many business owners these days. No longer do people use the Yellow Pages or BT phone book to find a local company they do a search on Google. Local networks now communicate online through LinkedIn or Facebook, replacing the somewhat old-fashioned business breakfasts and networking events. It may be…

Small Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Many people envision the day they start their own business. They know with hard work they will achieve success. That is the easy part. The hard part is coming up with the best idea of what industry it will be in. There are so many potential fields to choose from. Yet somehow, when it…

Seven Biggest Mistakes Small Business Owners Make in Their Business – and What to Do About Them

Do you remember when you first started your small business? Remember the excitement? Do you recall how it felt when the phone rang or someone walked in the door? First, let me commend you on entering a profession that is true to your passion, and furthermore, one that serves others. In this article, I’m going…

Business Law Attorneys

This professional offers legal advice to persons who are involved in all aspects and stages of any business. Some of the things that business law attorneys do include: • Make sure that there is compliance with all local business laws. If they do business internationally, they will make sure they comply with those laws too….

Top 5 Things To Look For In A Local SEO Services Expert

You want to grow your business quickly to continue earning even more money than what you are getting now. For this, you need to hire the best local SEO expert who will help realize your dream by easily reaching out to your target audience residing in a particular geographical area or territory. Top 5 things…

5 Publicity Hacks For Startups To Grow Your Business Now

One common thread about startups is that most are pressed for time and money. They know they need to establish their brand, but lack the major funding of most established businesses. Many try to muddle through in an attempt to pique the interest of journalists and secure media coverage. They understand the longer it takes…

How to Make a Great Classified Advertisement For a Small Business

Most home based and small businesses rely on classified advertisements to market their services and products. Getting good results with a classified ad isn’t as simple as it seems. There is more to it than just writing two or three lines of copy and placing it in the local shopping digest or weekly newspaper. A…

Starting a Business? In Order to Succeed, You’ll Need an Online Marketing Small Business Strategy

If you are starting a business or are thinking of starting a business, one of the things that you need to do, but probably haven’t thought much about, is to create an online marketing strategy that will drive traffic to your website, and to your store or shop’s physical location. Oftentimes, advertising and marketing are…

Start a Home Based Company With Small Business Grants

In this day and age as we witness the rapid advancing of technology in unison with the increasing unemployment rate, many American citizens are turning to small business grants sponsored by the US government as a means of establishing home based online businesses. This practice is becoming more and more popular each and every day…

How to Market Your Small Business With an Event

We have all seen the news stories involving something happening at a local small business. Every news bulletin needs a “fluffy animal” story at the end and they all look hard to find one. Most small businesses can create an event that will capture the attention of news outlets to some degree. And let me…

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