Local Business

‘ABC’ Strategies to Sustain Growth of Small Businesses in The Least Developing Countries (LDC)

As the World economic forum kicks off in Cape Town, South Africa, this article suggests simple ways that small businesses in the poor countries of the world could keep their businesses above water. I. Keeping Proper financial records. The figures that a business generates are an index of its health and growth. However, many managers…

Local Search Directory – Can Your Potentials Find You? – 7 Characteristics of a Good Directory

Characteristics of A Good Local Search Directory – It will offer you the following: 1. The ability to drive new prospects and customers to you on a continuing basis. 94 million people search online everyday looking for the best deals then they either order or followup with an in store visit or phone call. 2….

7 Online Marketing Strategies Every Small Business Owner Must Implement

HERE ARE TOP 7 INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGIES THAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER IMPLEMENTING TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS: Share Videos 90% of all the decisions that buyers make are based on visuals. Record a video, share it online and find a way to increase its visibility through social networks, referrals and emails. YouTube is the second biggest…

Best Apps for Business – Small Business Marketing Strategy

If you have a local business and are looking for a small business marketing strategy that works, then you need to invest in the best apps for business advertising. Business apps are fast becoming the new search engine for mobile and tablet searches and taking advantage of this technology is now affordable for small businesses….

How Text Message Marketing Helps Small Businesses

In the modern world, mobile technology and its applications are being aggressively adopted by all and sundry. Of all the mobile applications, text messaging is the most basic and important one, which the mobile users can’t do without. Being aware of this popular option for communication, many businesses have already started taking advantage of text…

Foreign Language Translation Services – Widen Your Marketing Reach Locally and Globally

A few years back, a lot of entrepreneurs believed in this misconception that they don’t need to target other ethnic groups or foreign markets for their products and services. Today, the situation is completely different as businesses have come to realize that there is money to be made by targeting foreign markets and other ethnic…

A Few Basic Local Website Search Optimization Hints

First things first go and claim your listings in Google, Yahoo and Bing. This will get you started out on the right foot. Fill out your listing completely. Use a comprehensive description, pictures, videos, coupons and your logo. This makes your page more trusted and will get you ranked higher right from the start. Next…

Why Choose a Local SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important tool in the arsenal of business owners who are attempting to break into the online world and create a presence that can increase profits. SEO companies are able to implement an intricate website plan that usually results in higher search engine results page (SERP) ranking and more business…

Local Online Advertising – Using Paid Online Advertising to Successfully Market Your Local Business

When I speak to business owners about local online advertising I often find that they are overwhelmed and confused by the alphabet soup of – PPC, CPC, SEO, SERPs, Twitter, Facebook, social marketing, search marketing, organic search and paid advertising. In this article I’ll attempt to clear up this confusion and set you on a…

Find Out How Local Search Marketing Will Boost Sales for Your Business

To completely harness the opportunity that Local search can provide, a business owner must approach with realistic expectations. Despite the fact that local search is becoming necessarily to business, business owners must understand that if their product or service is not largely in demand online, there may not be much of an opportunity. Although certain…

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