Business Advertising

Local Online Marketing – Straight Talk About the Opportunity For Local Business Marketing Online

Because business demand for local online marketing solutions has risen sharply in response to consumer demand for local business information online, many of the Internet marketing world’s “usual suspects” – in this case, notably Howie Schwartz and Kevin Wilke – have rolled out local online marketing training programs. They claim that the information products they’ve…

Local Business Search 2.0

The web-world of small business has a handful of very valuable solutions for businesses and consumers alike. The internet has provided many opportunities for local businesses of all types to enhance their business through use of the internet. Businesses of all types us the internet to find customers and make them happy. This article is…

Small Business Internet Marketing and Local Business Online Advertising

Small Business Internet Marketing Local Business Advertising Online How to start small business internet marketing and local business advertising online is a question that many small and medium sized businesses are pondering as more and more consumers disregard Yellow Pages books and other forms of traditional print media and move online to find what they…

Why Is A Local Search Engine Important For Businesses?

“Go Local”… This new mantra to shop local, buy local and go local, etc. has become a game-changer for the businesses. Eight out of ten consumers use search to find local information that means if your business is not optimized for the local search, your business is missing 80% customers. The local search engine is…

Offline-Online Marketing – The Debate For Small Businesses

In the past, it has been suggested that offline or traditional marketing is the best way to: Spread your message locally Spread your message to a small targeted group Reach customers for a retail outlet Announce local events/sales Reach prospects not web connected Let’s take a look at #5 on our list. Since 2005 Traditional…

5 Small Businesses You Can Run From a Portable Cabin

Starting up a small business can be difficult and getting to grips with financing, suppliers and taxation obligations will take more energy than anticipated. Finding the perfect premises is time consuming and can commit you to obligations you don’t feel ready for. If the physical space required by your business is small then consider using…

Four Types of Marketing For Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you most likely spend quite a large amount of time trying to discern new ways to gain customers. Marketing can be a fun or stressful business. They key is to understand the types of marketing. Instead of sending your marketing budget in many different directions, you can choose a specific…

Business Directories

The Internet has changed buying behaviours to the extent that customers habitually research suppliers of goods of services online long before they seek to make a purchase. In fact, increasingly the actual purchase transaction now occurs completely within the online environment – meaning if you can get the customer to your online space, you have…

Ways to Improve Employee Motivation for Small Businesses Without Spending Money

Vacation Pay is three weeks for employees who have worked for the same employer for five years. In Ontario, there are certain employment guidelines regarding vacation leave that provides rights to employees for time off with pay. Though there are some job categories that are exempt, most employers must abide by the Employment Standards Act…

SmartPhones Let Your Small Business Connect from Anywhere

Ready to trade in your cell phone and PDA for a Smartphone? Let’s start with the basics… What’s a Smartphone? A Smartphone is your cell phone and PDA (Portable Data Assistant) joined, allowing verbal communication by phone and visual by email and text messaging. Other capabilities include Internet, fax, and data transfers between your office…

Ararat Works