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Small Business Marketing – Online Marketing Tips

As a small business owner, marketing your business can be a full time job. Your small business marketing strategy must have a variety of different angles to allow for the wide diverse population and how people find information these days. The internet alone has changed the face of how you do business, it allows prospects…

Small Business Internet Marketing – How to Attract Hordes of Customers Through Your Doors

Successful small business internet marketing requires search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO is a buzzword that has grown with the internet era. Twenty years ago no one cared about SEO. Now, if you have a website and want to do small business internet marketing, SEO is a huge consideration to a successful internet presence. There…

Local Small Business Marketing on the Internet With Facebook

Facebook is the most incredibly powerful force on the internet and in social networking today.  Many individuals don’t realize just how many people are using it regularly and how quickly it continues to grow.  It is so much more than some fad, and it is working hard for a lot of local businesses.  Regional marketing…

Scheduling Software A Cost-Effective, Proven Solution For Small Businesses

Small businesses drive our nation’s economy. They employ tens of millions. They’re important neighbors in our cities, towns and communities. And they provide the services we rely upon. Economic conditions during the past few years, however, have negatively impacted the operations of many these proprietors. Results of the 2009 edition of The Small Business Economy:…

Online Marketing Consulting – Why Every Small Local Business Needs to Know About PPC Marketing

Most small online Brick & Mortar businesses can do okay for themselves without an Internet presence. I mean why not. There’s word of mouth and thousands of people probably pass by your place of business every single day. As a professional Internet Marketing Consultant, you might be wondering why I would make a comment like…

Small Business Marketing Strategy – Attract and Defend

Any sound small business marketing strategy for growing your company should establish an online and offline presence. This article provides some marketing strategies for you to use. Offline Attraction Strategies Local community involvement – Make sure you know the people in town. Can you help them solve their problems better? It’s important to make a…

Budget-Friendly Tips to Success for Small Businesses

Plenty of small businesses follow tips that cost less and are technology savvy. These multimedia tools to manage, promote and market their business, reduce expenses and increase their revenues. These tools can be easily accessed, user friendly and cheap or even free. Google it Google offers so many free services that can help small businesses….

Social Media for Small Businesses

Social media has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Businesses of all size and shapes have started making the most of available mediums. Today we will try to anatomize tips on social media for small businesses. There are a plethora of small businesses eyeing social medium to promote their business/services. However, majorly these…

SEO Tips for Local Small Businesses

The use of the Yellow Pages is now considered an outdated approach to attract prospective clients. These days, it’s getting your business online and making it more visible that proves to be the more effective mean to do it. And it makes sense considering the fact that around 82% of the world’s population are now…

9 Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know About Marketing Your Local Business Online

As a small business owner you may be wondering if you should invest any time or money on marketing your local business online. After all you are already being pulled in a thousand directions by your business, your staff, your customers; and the last thing you need is another responsibility – especially if it won’t…

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