Business Advertising

IGR and Formalising the Informal Economy in Nigeria

Nigeria has had a tumultuous history, marked by decades of virulent political and civilian strife since its independence in 1960. The oil boom of the ’70s brought windfall profits to the emerging state, but corruption and gross mismanagement blighted economic indicators and rendered the vast majority of its population destitute. A reforms process initiated after…

8 Ways to Find A Copywriting Job In Your Town

Did you realize that you can find a copywriting job right in your home town? Even if you live in a relatively small community, you’ll be surprised at the amount of potential copywriting jobs that are around you and that you may not have even noticed before. Here are 8 ways to tap into the…

Vehicle Wraps Great for Alternative Signage

As a business owner, I want my business to be as visible as possible when my potential customers and customers are passing by my location. I am not along in this desire about my business. This is a problem for many businesses that are either located off of a major route, or don’t have or…

Harmonization: Is It a Global or an International Thing?

Harmonization is vital to accounting in today’s world. Harmonization falls under the concept of international convergence. As mentioned on the Financial Accounting standards Board website, convergence first came about in the late 1950s in response to post WWII economic integration and related increases in cross-border capital flows. According to harmonization is described as reducing…

Tips On Using Google AdSense

Smart Pricing: Anything But Smart If at all possible try to avoid Google’s “Smart Pricing” scheme. With Smart Pricing, Google gives advertisers a discount based on how popular or “valuable” your website is. They tend to base this on your site’s click through ratio. So if your website has a high click through ratio, then…

Internet Marketing – Marking New Sets for a Marketing Strategy

Marketing is defined as the total of activities that are included from the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer, including shipping, storing, advertising and selling. These accounts even for the way your voice mail is reverted, the way your phone is answered and even who your business card looks. Everything speaks in…

The Six Imperatives of Marketing

There are six imperatives of marketing that drive, or should drive, today’s small business. These imperatives are: 1. No matter what business you might think you’re in, sooner or later you are also a marketing organization. 2. As an essentially marketing organization, then it follows that marketing becomes your single most important business activity. 3….

10 Tips For Writing Optimized Articles For Search Engines and Social Media Sites

Search engine optimization is a technique of improving and controlling the traffic to a particular website or a blog page. A company which uses search engine optimization will have higher appearance when a user searches for their website or URL on a search engine. The web page results appear in the top 10 search results…

Start Your Internet Marketing Business The Fast, Easy And Painless Way

If you are just starting out looking to make money on the Internet, then this article will save you a lot of time, money, frustration and guesswork. Here is why: The key to making money on the Internet quickly and easily, without hassle…is to simply sell something to a market that is in dire need…

Four Key Advantages of SEO in Houston That Makes It Demanding to Entrepreneurs

With the advent of the digital marketing era, it’s been estimated that almost 17 billion searches take place online every month. Now simply put, if you can bring the tiniest proportion of searchers to your business then who can stop you to thrive even in the most competitive market environment! This is where SEO in…

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