Online Branding

Online Brand Building by the Numbers

In the process of building your company’s online brand, you’re going to have to deal with a veritable ton of information. We have discussed how the practice of Web Analytics can quantify all manner of data such as number of users, the location of visitors, and changes over time, all intended to allow you to…

5 Areas That Help Expand Your Business Branding Online

Promoting your business branding online is somewhat different from typical marketing strategies. You need to take a unique approach to this method of promoting your business brand. And yet, the benefits of using Web tools in making your brand distinct includes the ability to maximize your business efforts and expanding your business’ reach. After all,…

Using Content to Establish an Online Brand

Using content online is not only great for gaining exposure and increasing your credibility but it can also be used for building brands as well. Developing a unique online brand is important due to the competitive edge it can give you if done properly. Consistently publishing content is a very effective way to create and…

Branding in the Internet Age – It’s Much More Comprehensive Than You Think in the Virtual Realm

You know, as a former Franchisor, I almost feel as if I could teach a class on branding. Still, in the Internet age it’s a whole different ballgame, it’s not like the “old world” at all. Business moves at the speed of thought, and now social networking algorithms are predicting those thoughts in advance. Do…

SEO Vs Google AdWords – Online Marketing

So you’ve just got your amazing new website designed. What now? How do you get your target market/audience to explore your new online business home? The answer? Online Marketing. Online Marketing, also known as internet marketing, is the art of using various techniques and methods to advertise and sell products or services via the internet….

The Key To Smart Branding

I know that for some new entrepreneurs, ‘branding’ can be a scary word. The ‘big guys’ spend millions on their branding efforts, so how can you possibly compete? In a word – consistency. You compete with consistency in your branding. I promise – a strong focused brand will attract the perfect customers to you like…

Role of Custom Website Development in Improving Web Presence

In today’s fast paced digital arena, where technology has played a significant role to bring excellence in each and every work domain. Custom website development is yet another precious contribution of our technological innovations, which has certainly bridged the gap between the products and their consumers. Nowadays, it is not only limited for displaying your…

Increase Online Business By Hiring SEO Experts

Looking to set up a business or are you already an established but looking to increase your presence online? First and foremost requirement for this is to get a website for your business. A website should tell about the work of your enterprise and should be easy and user friendly with no technical glitches. To…

Digital Footprint

What is the first thought when you hear digital footprint? Many things may come to mind, however a digital footprint can be described as “one’s overall impact, impression, or effect as manifested on the Internet; online presence or visibility, as of a person or company”. By definition this helps to understand that this is similar…

Strengthen Your Web Presence With WordPress Web Development

Almost 17% of the web is powered by WordPress sites. Owing to its simplicity and user-friendliness, WordPress has been around for quite a few years now. Primarily used for blogging, WordPress is now used for designing a plethora of websites from simple to complex. This versatile nature of WordPress has made it a topmost choice…

Ararat Works