Social Marketing

How Can Facebook Be Used For Marketing?

Using Facebook for marketing your business is honestly a no-brainer. You can do so much on Facebook, mostly free, that you just can’t pass it up as a great marketing opportunity for your business. Set Up a Business Page In order to set up a business page on Facebook, you first need a personal page….

6 Tips For Facebook Marketing

There’s no doubt that Facebook is a powerhouse. It has over 750 million active users, and that’s rapidly expanding every second every day. With Facebook going up against Google as far as search engine capabilities, you’ll no doubt see that very soon, if not already, Facebook members are looking to their friends’ patterns for purchasing…

Facebook Small Business Marketing – How To Get More Traction

We all understand that Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in Australia. However, recently some of our clients have expressed their frustration with their ‘Facebook business pages’. The key frustration is that their business page just doesn’t seem to be driving traffic and generating leads and there is little engagement. Lots…

Facebook Marketing Changes and Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Facebook implemented yet another set of changes to its social networking platform, causing uproar among many users and teaching new lessons to Internet marketers. In particular, the News Feed, where Facebook users are allowed to view updates from people in their network, received a major overhaul, which can potentially affect your Facebook marketing strategy. Facebook…

10 Ideas for Marketing Your Business With Facebook Advertising

Facebook is considered as the most popular social media network today. Its popularity remains to spread out with a need in internet marketing where aggressive and ingenious company owners and online marketers are deploying Facebook marketing to reach more target market as web traffic to their sites. A more extension to Facebook marketing is Facebook…

Social Media Vocabulary – Language and Slang Corruption

Don’t Be Corrupted By Social Media Slang What is Social Media Slang? Slang are informal words and language not associated with the standard/common language we use in society. Social Media Slang is picked up mainly from communicating in Social Media. When communicating within Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter, you are often presented a short…

Social Media Marketing is Duplex Communication, Not Broadcast Communication

Social media marketing is duplex, not broadcast, communication. What that means is that traditional advertising makes use of broadcast communication technology. Broadcast communication is one way – the members of the audience do not have an option of what to listen to or watch. So a broadcaster can set advertisements at appropriate places, in the…

5 Business Networking Sites to Promote Your Business

When you have something you’re proud of and represent online, you want to share it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a business, even your website or a company you work with is sufficient. You want everyone to see it, click on the links, and know about it. This is easier said than done. Unfortunately,…

How to Interact With Customers on the Most Used Social Networks

First of all, things change over time, and the way we use social media is no exception. Younger generations prefer Twitter or Instagram, while older adults continue to be active Facebook users. However, to be successful on social networks, it is not enough to just create a profile, you also have to capture the attention…

Best Social Media Websites To Use For Businesses

The marketing framework has completely evolved in the recent years. If you are running a software company, you cannot rely on door to door selling. These days, most companies are using social media methods to reach the targeted audience. The count of internet users is increasing with the passage of each day and most of…

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