Social Marketing

How to Use Facebook to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Among the social networking sites, Facebook is the best networking site which can be used to build traffic into your website. There are many viral techniques available in the Facebook. These techniques will help in generating traffic to your site thereby increasing your profit from the site. If you don’t know how to use this…

Building The Best Facebook Fan Pages – One Of The Secrets Of Personal Branding

One common thread that runs through a large number of marketing success stories besides hard work of course, is the need for individuality and innovation. Some of the best Facebook fan pages have already achieved that. Just like there aren’t two human fingerprints that look precisely the same, Facebook has given the small business owner…

What Makes Facebook So Famous Among Youth?

Internet is one of the most important aspects of today’s everyday life. We are using internet for every single thing in our daily routine starting from online application submission to shopping and from social networking to web marketing. And if you are an internet user, you must have heard the word “Facebook.” Yes, Facebook is…

Fake Accounts in Facebook – How to Counter It

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world and is responsible for bringing almost a communication revolution to the World Wide web. Facebook use in current time is really very huge and has reached a level where the user base is roughly estimated to cover around 37 % of the total world…

Why You Should Choose a Website Over Facebook to Market Your Business

For many businesses, social media marketing would seem an ideal option as compared to a website, concerning both costs and management. In support of this, recent reports by Facebook indicate that there are over forty million small business pages, this shows a massive acceptance of the platform in business marketing. As a marketer, you cannot…

How To Build Network Marketing Business With Facebook Live

Are you currently building your network marketing business? If you are reading this article, probably you are a seasoned network builder or someone new in multi-level marketing (MLM) and looking for ideas to create awareness for your business online. In this article, I will share with you how I use social media tools to create…

Web Hosting and Attention-Grabbing Facebook Mobile Marketing

web Hosting and Attention-Grabbing Facebook Marketing What works with social media for business owners? Facebook mobile for Business To begin with, the majority of websites and blogs are created using WordPress. So, the security of your Word Press website or blog is crucial. Two very cool security plug-ins for bloggers who use WordPress are available….

How Can Facebook Be Used For Marketing?

Using Facebook for marketing your business is honestly a no-brainer. You can do so much on Facebook, mostly free, that you just can’t pass it up as a great marketing opportunity for your business. Set Up a Business Page In order to set up a business page on Facebook, you first need a personal page….

6 Tips For Facebook Marketing

There’s no doubt that Facebook is a powerhouse. It has over 750 million active users, and that’s rapidly expanding every second every day. With Facebook going up against Google as far as search engine capabilities, you’ll no doubt see that very soon, if not already, Facebook members are looking to their friends’ patterns for purchasing…

Facebook Small Business Marketing – How To Get More Traction

We all understand that Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in Australia. However, recently some of our clients have expressed their frustration with their ‘Facebook business pages’. The key frustration is that their business page just doesn’t seem to be driving traffic and generating leads and there is little engagement. Lots…

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