Social Marketing

Social Media Branding: A Conversation That Creates Product Differentiation

Differentiation is created when two “friends” have a “conversation”. Differentiation is the defining your product so strongly in the minds of your customers that they pick your product off the shelf without thinking of it. Differentiation is a critical element in creating world class, pre-eminent brands in the social media age. Differentiation is a strategy…

Advantages of Social Media to Businesses

I have been an active internet user and have recently launched an online business service website. I have been hearing lately lot of marketing gurus taking about the use of social media to have better business scalability and was keen on knowing how can social media benefit my business? The findings that I came across…

Social Media, Networking and Knowledge Management

Social networking, also referred to as social media, is an online network where a group of people get connected by bonds of friendship, professional relationship or some kind of common interest and passion. It comprises many internet based tools that let people to communicate, interact, engage and collaborate with each other in real-time, hence a…

Is Business Social Media Marketing Still Worth It?

Articles on the algorithm change on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are circulating all over the internet. They say it has become harder for business to market online because the platforms aren’t like they used to be. The platforms are implementing these changes in an attempt to leverage the “social” in social media. This, however, does…

Quick Video Marketing & Internet Video Marketing

A picture it is said is worth a 1000 words, A video is worth a MILLION hits! The famed J. Bill Gates, who shared his secrets to wealth and riches i) Be an observer of the trends ii) Be at the right place at the right time iii) Take massive immediate action! And recently, he…

Social Media – Benefits of Tapping Social Media As a Marketing Tool

The social web, if used correctly, can be an important extension of your marketing efforts. Social media channels facilitate the submission of news, videos, photographs and podcasts, and the participation of users and people in general in the form of comments, discussions and votes. Today, there’s probably no faster route than social media to build…

Targeted List Building With Social Bookmarking and Networking

If you’re looking for a way to get rich from home and you want to run or already run your own Internet business, one of the best tools you can make use of is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a method of social networking to increase your flow of targeted traffic to your website(s). It…

Content Creation – Discover the Top 7 Benefits of Consistent Content Creation (Easily Done)

Article Marketing provides with so many benefits I couldn’t list them all here. I can give you 7 of the top ones here: 1) The more you do it, the easier it gets – Some folks will tell you that creating content (writing articles) is time consuming and hard. And it is, when you do…

Textploitation: Getting the Most Out of Content Marketing and Social Media

Slate columnist, Farhad Manjoo asked Josh Schwartz, a data scientist at the traffic analysis company Chartbeat, to explore the scrolling habits of its readers; just how far down the page would users scroll before hitting the exit button? For Manjoo, the data that Chartbeat pulled out wasn’t reassuring; the vast majority of readers scrolled no…

Social Bookmarking – The 3 Biggest Mistakes

Social bookmarking has now become a popular and accepted part of social networking. The ability to save and introduce valuable content to fellow networkers is a great resource! It seems that a new bookmarking site is popping up almost daily. Unfortunately, some networkers are making critical mistakes with their bookmarking, which can prove to be…

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