Social Marketing

An Introduction to the Benefits of Social Media Marketing

When the internet was first developed, most of the information you could find about a product or business was published by the product creator on a business website. These first generation company websites enabled consumers to search for information, find product details or specifications, and use that information to determine which product or service to…

Online Networking – Social Media As an Online Business Tool

The concepts of business promotion and marketing strategies have changed drastically during the last decade. In today’s world, internet is the most powerful marketing tool and many surveys lead to this conclusion. Earlier, organizations relied highly on conferences, press releases and small business conversations where you exchange your business cards with others to create a…

The Single Most Effective Marketing Tool For Service-Based Businesses in 2010

Service-based businesses have to work continually harder at attracting new clients due to the lack of tangible product to market. Instead, professionals must find ways to grow their client base at a relatively low cost. When I talk about cost, I am not only talking about fiscal value. Service providers have only time to sell,…

Word of Mouth Marketing – A Neglected Online Marketing Partner

Word of mouth marketing has been around long before the dawn of modern electronic communications, and long before the Internet. It is therefore amazing to see that up till today, the two concepts are being seen as mutually exclusive and not complementary to each other. What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing? This form of marketing is often…

Marketing Automation

There are instances when people may view marketing automation as a disadvantage rather than an advantage in society. This is because people may be scared of the consequences such as marketing automation being the cause of the loss of their jobs. However, notwithstanding the unemployment problems of many, this automated system is still best implemented….

Viral Marketing Millionaires

“Free Word of Mouth” – The four words that everyone loves to hear uttered and see written. Four words that say, “There’s always room for more” and “let me share this with you, you matter to me!” Four words that have caused “Facebook” to now boast 350,000,000 users, and causes Microsoft to invest $240,000,000.00 into…

Internet Marketing Business Essentials – Why You Need To Be Using Social Media For Free Traffic

To be successful building and maintaining an Internet Marketing Business, as with most offline businesses, you need to be current with social trends. You need to follow the crowd so-to-speak and get your advertisements in front of where ever the crowds are going. It’s no good posting 30 foot tall billboards at the end of…

FB Cash Review – Is FB Cash Legitimate?

Reading this FB Cash review will give you an unbiased heads up on this soon to be released Facebook marketing program created by Sam Bakker. Frequently the rapidly expanding and transforming world of the internet serendipitously gives birth to new marketing avenues. Facebook is a prime example of one of those avenues. Mr. Bakker claims…

How To Use Facebook Lite App on PC – Windows 7, 8, 10, and Mac

Facebook, the famous platform where people can socialize, has a light version called Facebook Lite. This version works best on devices that get slow when heavy apps are installed. This article talks about how to it for P.C. on both Mac and Windows devices. How to Download Facebook Lite for P.C. (Windows and Mac OS)…

Can Social Media Replace Email Marketing?

“Now that we are doing good on social media, can’t we stop putting efforts on email marketing? This question has been asked several times, either on the internet or in some of our meetings. As a digital agency, it was somehow perceived as an insult, not to the team, nor the agency, but to online…

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