4 February 2023

Online Marketing – Ways For Getting Targeted Website Traffic

To be successful with online marketing you are not going to just be able to sign up with the latest technique that a guru is claiming. It takes more than just the latest ways for getting targeted website traffic. Although this is key, the bigger picture is you as a marketer needs to develop a strategy first before you implement any methods or tactics. I’m learning this is essential when you are trying to get to your goal and that is to make money online. So ask yourself, “what is my strategy for trying to reach my goal and what tactics am I going to perform to help me with my overall strategy to help me reach my goal?” This is why most online marketers fail. They get to busy trying to keep up with the latest ways the gurus are claiming to make all the money they claim that they forget or don’t even think of a strategy. Strategy is more long term, say 6 months or a year, whatever and a tactic is more short term.

Here is an example of a strategy and some tactics that I’m personally working on. My online marketing strategy I’m using is HubPages. I’m focusing on writing hubs with useful content. My goal is to get to around 300 to 400 hubs in total. I would like to see around 100 or so per week. Now don’t say “yeah right” because something that you have to get straight with yourself right away is you are going to have to work hard. You are going to sweat,swear and throw your hands up in the air and say to yourself why, this is impossible. Don’t give up, I’m telling you now it’s not impossible.

One tactic that I’m using to help my hubs get traffic and rank in the organic search results is by writing articles. Writing articles is very easy to do once you get going and it’s one of the main ways, a way that goes back to the beginning of online marketing and is a great way to help drive targeted traffic to my websites or hubs. Another tactic that you can perform for getting free traffic is learning about forum posting or types of social networking. Now remember to keep your main objective or your strategy and that in my case would be to build and drive traffic to my hubs over a period. I think I’m going for around maybe 6 months to a year.

I hope this gives everybody a little insight on marketing online. I have a hub in relation to this information with a lot of useful tools both free and paid for ways of driving good targeted traffic to your websites or offers. Also be sure to watch the video towards the bottom right of the hub. This video really helped me to understand the overall objective of what you are trying to do with online marketing and getting targeted website traffic.

Source by Ethan Poltrack

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