
Online Classified Ads Are a Great Source For Job Seekers

As we are facing global economic crisis now, more people are jobless. The biggest hit was in America where several years ago they announced that some kind of Wall Street or Lehman Brothers thing declared bankruptcy, which affects lots of business. Not only America was affected, but also other business firms around the world. Huge…

Selling Ads in the West Point Bugle Notes – How Email Marketing Turned Annual Dread to Delight

I’ve been selling ads for the famous annual military book, the West Point Bugle Notes, for at least 16 years (that’s since 1995 or before). Selling ads for this publication has been a thorn in my side since I first accepted the job and, until this year, has been a source of annual dread. This…

How to Use Twitter Ads to Promote Your Business

With the growth of Twitter in recent years it’s getting harder and harder to stay in the timeline of your followers long enough for them to notice your tweets. With over 500 million users sending over 400 million tweets per day, you might feel that your messages are a needle in a haystack. How can…

How To Make Banner Ads Attractive And Realize Online Marketing Goals?

We are now in the digital world where technology shapes the way we live. Brands are not immune to changes brought forward by constant advancements in the technology. Take for instance, the norms of marketing have completely changed with digital taking precedence over traditional. From mobile to social to e-mail to content, the routes of…

Using Local Ads to Boost Your Business

This can be a bad business decision. This is particularly true if your business is a locally based one and not simply an internet based one. By not focusing some of your marketing budget on making sure that you have adequate local ads, your local community is likely not being fully informed and aware of…

Marketing to Seniors Online – The Addition of Free Classified Ads For the Senior Community

With the senior population growing, many businesses from small to large have started to focus their marketing campaigns at mature consumers. This is a smart move, especially considering that these senior citizens are nothing like that of earlier times. Present day has shown us that the senior market is full of many different wants and…

Real Deals – Advertizing in a Magazine With Real Local Business Ads

Are you looking for great ways to advertize your local business? We have a few suggestions for how you can make real deals happen for your local business. Offline Advertizing Strategies – Posting a colorful ad in a magazine of ads that support local businesses will keep your ad on the coffee table in many…

How Facebook Ads Help Local Businesses

Advertising on Facebook is beneficial for any business, it helps you get yourself out there and interact with your target market. Moreover, it helps makes establishing a relationship with your customers easier than ever. As for local businesses with local customers in mind, it presents its own particular perks. Here’s What They Are Geographic Targeting…