
How to Make Money Online With Google AdSense Program

One of the most popular ways for you to make money online is via Google AdSense, Google’s free contextual advertising program. When you enroll in the AdSense program, Google uses a relevance algorithm to display text, image or video ads on your blog that are related to your blog’s subject matter. In this way Google…

Tips On Using Google AdSense

Smart Pricing: Anything But Smart If at all possible try to avoid Google’s “Smart Pricing” scheme. With Smart Pricing, Google gives advertisers a discount based on how popular or “valuable” your website is. They tend to base this on your site’s click through ratio. So if your website has a high click through ratio, then…

What Is Google AdSense?

If you are interested in learning how to make money online the first place to start is with Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a simple PPC (Paid Per Click) that displays ads related to your websites content. If you place the Google Ads on your website or blog Google will match the ads to your…