facebook marketing

Influencer Marketing: Deep Understanding and Its Basics

We know that in the Celebrity Industry, everything is a buzz, every move a celebrity makes is a huge gossip. Well, in Business and Marketing there’s also what we call “hot issue”, there are lots of effective methods spreading online and “Influencer Marketing” is the one who raised up and outstands among them. Today, we…

Top 8 Business Branding Tips For Today

1. Be Transparent Even if you don’t want people to know who you are today, they’re going to find out if you become successful enough. Therefore, seek to build a brand that represents your true values that you’d be proud to represent. That way when things are discovered about you, it’s not a shock to…

The Top 6 Places to Use Your Business Logo

Owning your own business, whether local or online, requires you to remain competitive and ahead of your rival companies. One of the key components of marketing and gaining exposure is through business branding. This requires the use of your business logo in as many places as you can get it. The more consumers see your…

Deadly Things That Drastically Damage Your Brand Image

In the online world, your brand image is very important as it makes you win the faith of your customers. Therefore, you are not able to bear any damage to it. A wrong turn or decision may end up everything; therefore, you have to be very careful. But do you know what actually hurt your…

5 Ways Improve Art Marketing Using the Power of Social Media

Social Media is a fundamental shift in the way we all communicate. It is not a fad, yet many artists and galleries are still intimidated and puzzled at the idea of joining in on the Social Media Revolution. Learn these 5 ways to harness the power of Social Media and improve your art marketing. 1….

Seven Practial Reasons to Trademark Your Brand

Your brand matters. After all, your brand is WHO you are, WHAT you do, and WHY you do it. Remember – people are loyal to brands, not products. Trademarks protect brands. They are the foundation of every successful brand. That’s why it is important to trademark your brand. The single best way to protect your…

Importance of Social Media Marketing for Your Small Businesses

Social media marketing has gained popularity among small businesses and they are taking this kind of marketing as one of their important marketing strategies for their businesses. It is a helpful platform from where you can reach thousands of customers in a short time with less efforts. In this post, you will see the importance…

Brand Yourself As an Artist on Twitter

My teenagers were mortified to find me on Twitter. First blogging and now this! But, do not allow yourself to underestimate the power of social media and micro-blogging services. Twitter is one of the quickest ways to build brand recognition for you and your art business. What do I mean by branding? The American Marketing…

Brand Marketing During Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

How to Position Your Brand Messaging During COVID-19 When I say the word “brand,” what comes to mind? A corporate giant like Amazon, or the colours of a company’s logo? Actually, brands are much more than just a visual representation, tagline, jingle or website; and it’s not just something that only the “big guys” should…

How to Create a Brand Professional That People Want to Get Behind

Have more than a blog and a social media account. In case you desire to generate a significant impact as a business online, having a blog and a social media account is definitely not enough. What is crucial is to be aware that there has to be a brand behind that blog and social media…

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