
Party Ideas For Nightclub Promoters

Once you get going in your nightclub promoting job, you’re going to be throwing your own events. And when you throw your own events, you’re going to want to come up with your own themes or ideas for them. So here’s a list of some of my favorite party ideas for nightclub promoters. Check them…

Great Ideas for Marketing Your Tile Business on the Internet

If you want to be successful at marketing your tile business, you will need to turn to the internet as your marketing solution. Thanks to the fact that most people will search online before leaving their homes to make a purchase, you will find that your tile business can have a huge advantage over your…

Marketing Ideas For Small Architecture Firms

Small architectural firms have slowly dwindled, being unable to cope with competition from established larger firms. This makes it essential for the existing small architectural firms to have a well-thought-out marketing plan and effective marketing strategies to become successful firms. Some firms have selected a certain niche to specialize in; others have formed alliances with…

Painting Business Marketing Tips and Ideas

Marketing is an important part of running a successful painting business. No matter how good you are at doing professional paint work, it won’t help you if you don’t have a marketing strategy in place to promote and sell the services that you offer. In this article we look at how effective painting business marketing…

Where Business Ideas Come From

I was reading the local paper and came across a picture of the cleanest garage I ever saw. In addition to a picture of the garage there was a picture of a gentlemen, in his late 60’s cleaning the cobwebs with an extension pole. I thought to myself I have never seen a garage so…

Small Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Many people envision the day they start their own business. They know with hard work they will achieve success. That is the easy part. The hard part is coming up with the best idea of what industry it will be in. There are so many potential fields to choose from. Yet somehow, when it…

New Ideas For Small Business Holiday Marketing

2 seconds after Halloween it seems that all the retail stores put up their Christmas decorations – trying to capture as much of the Holiday market as possible. Typical ways that retail stores use to capitalize on the holidays include extended hours and sales. This is all well and good. Today I want to give…

Three Simple Ideas for a Small Town Bowling Alley to Increase Profits

Bowling is a sport enjoyed by millions worldwide. Like many businesses in past few years bowling alleys have been hurt by our nation’s economic downturn. It is imperative for small town bowling alley owners and managers to properly market themselves and update their amenities in order to stay profitable. It is not enough for a…

Art Business Marketing and Branding Ideas – Tips to Marketing Your Art Via YouTube

YouTube is one of the top five visited sites in the world and has been a great resource for providing information, entertainment, and fun. Also it has become one of the most successful marketing tools on the web hemisphere. Yep, marketing. Can you believe? People along with major companies are using videos as part of…

Dig Deep for Small Business Ideas

If you’re serious about wanting to start a business, the first thing you want to do is take the time to understand what really makes you tick. Where do you get your drive? What gets you in a “zone?” However, there’s a lot more to figuring out the BEST business idea that will make you…