Mobile App Development

How To Select The Best Mobile Application Developer for Your iPhone, iPad or Android App Development

Selecting the right mobile application developer for your iPhone, iPad or Android App is crucial to maximize your mobile application’s success opportunities. This selection process will determine the long term payback on your app investment whether that be related to business revenue, branding KPI achievements or entertainment revenue. There are 3 important factors which you…

Mobile Application Testing: A Must Before Introducing an App

Thousands of mobile games and applications are launched every month. The application development market seems to be at summit. But, have you ever realized the reason why a number of apps fail to draw the attention of their target audience? Perhaps, their developers dropped them into the market without testing their performance and functionality –…

Why iPhone App Development Is the Future of Mobile Development

Mobile apps market entered a new era with the launch of iPhone. The importance of iPhone development can be understood from the fact that not a single mobile application had created as much buzz as the iPhone applications. Mobile applications drastically boost the capabilities of standard mobile handsets helping each user have a customized phone….

A Guide to Mobile App Development Life-Cycle Phases

According to the research made on the revenue generated from app stores, experts shared their views and mentioned that by 2020, the revenue figure would reach almost $80.5 billion. Play Store has almost 2.8 million apps and the iOS App Store has almost 2.2 million apps. This huge affluence of apps depicts one thing for…

What Gives You More Business Online, Mobile App or Website?

The difference between Mobile App and Website: If you pay attention then it might ring a bell that the word “Website” has fallen on your ears and comforted its way to your vocabulary a while prior to the word “Mobile Application”. Similarly, there was a time when you twitched your eyebrows when your first heard…

Tips For Mobile Application Testing

Mobile application development is a field of creativity and innovation, everyday thousands of new applications are created by expert mobile application developers and they test their applications to make sure that their application won’t get rejected by application stores. Testing the application is an essential and vital part of mobile application development as it will…

Stay Ahead by Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Company

An application can offer versatility and accessibility for any company. Business is changing direction and finding its way onto mobile phones, rather than traditional desktop computers, and you can stay ahead of the curve with the help of Mobile App Development Companies. It’s very important that your websites are compatible for viewing on a mobile…

Security in Mobile Application Development

Today’s world is marked by the popularity of mobile application development. Development of these applications has widened the scope of Mobile Phones which were earlier used to make only voice calls. The popularity of Smartphones particularly, iPhones, led to the development of new applications like Internet Browsing, E-Mail, and Games etc. With rapid growth and…

How to Find a Suitable Mobile App Development Company

Undoubtedly, the use of mobile devices has grown bigger just because they are an instant medium to access internet and mobile applications. These mobile applications are of great characteristics and this is the reason, the corporate sector has found no other way except to promote and sell their services through mobile apps. Companies are looking…

Mobile App Development – Offering Great Prospects for Entrepreneurs

Teenage Mobile App Developers Do you know that there is an increase in the number of teenage mobile app developers? Several big companies are encouraging the efforts of these young developers irrespective of their age and education. In 2012, a teenager based in California developed a mobile app for the Home Depot in a contest…

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