Mobile App

Mobile Application Development Is A Fast Mushrooming Business In Today’s Business Scenario

Innovation in technology is a back-to-back phenomenon that is all set to go on and on. Virtually, the innovative technology has hit just every phase related to our life and IT industry is no exception. Incidentally, mobile application development is a part of IT services and this service is faster, catching the popularity and demand…

A Mobile Application And Its Development

A mobile application is a relatively new piece of technology which has taken the world by storm. It has really come into its own with the development of smartphones by different manufacturers in recent years. These applications when downloaded and installed can now allow your mobile phone to do a wide range of new tasks….

How to Become a Mobile Application Developer

Today, mobile devices have become an important part of our life. The latest mobile devices are changing the way people communicate, do business and access other entertainment and news. They are a great source of entertainment, apart from communication. To meet the needs of the mobile users, many new and innovative applications are being developed….

How Mobile Application Technology Is Creating Value for Brick and Mortar Retailers

Mobile application technology is a powerful lever for the growth of online business. This has specially been the case with the retail industries. Some of the most established businesses in retail have harnessed mobile applications development and web application development to create business models with high returns on investment, on-demand delivery and finally customer delight….

Expanding Your Social Networking Potential Through Mobile Application Development

Over the past few years, one of the most significant advancements that have been found with the online environment exists with the opportunities of social networking and how they have been utilized by online patrons. Individuals take advantage of opportunities such as Facebook, in order to share detailed information about themselves and identify all their…

Benefits Of Having Penetration Testing Services For Best Mobile Application Security

Any organization that depends on information security protocol will have to make sure that their data and information is not breached and remains safe for client and consumer benefits. Since nowadays, almost every company is having a requirement of information technology software, it is important for them to incorporate high standards of security for their…

5 Mobile Application Development Trends for 2016

1. Hybrid apps are in Hybrid applications using technologies such as Ionic and HTML5 are gaining traction for the amount time and cost savings they account for. With Swift 3, and rumours that Android will soon adopt it, going for JavaScript over Linux, we look at a more integrated platform base. Word is out that…

Mobile Website or Mobile App – What to Choose for Your Automotive Dealership?

According to NASDAQ: SCOR, the amount of people using smartphones in the United States has grown to 58% of total mobile phone users during the first quarter of 2013, a nine-percent growth compared to the preceding quarter. Furthermore, about 29% of smartphone users shop online, a number that is likely to grow. (Source: Forbes, 8…

6 Questions Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company

As the mobile app trend continues to grow and captivate consumers, you might be asking yourself how you can dive into this medium. Maybe you have the perfect idea for an app or maybe you just know that you want one developed for your company. Either way, you’re going to need to pair up with…

Best Marketing App – Native Vs Mobile Web

During the last couple years we all have seen a large spike in the use of smart phones and a huge drop in their price. This is rapidly allowing the world market to explode with smart phones, 4G/3G blazing speeds, and free Wi-Fi on every corner of the world. New statistics are coming out every…

Ararat Works