Mobile App

Mobile Web App Development With JQuery Mobile – Pros, Cons & Alternatives

As the name indicates, jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized framework developed based on jQuery library. It enables programmers to create mobile web applications for major mobile platforms like Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry. The developers can further use the framework to create mobile apps using commonly used standards like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and AJAX….

Why Hiring an Ideal Mobile App Development Company Is Essential for Business Now

Mobile phones have become as ubiquitous as wristwatches once were. Men, women and even children are today connected to others from across the world, all thanks to the new smartphone technology. Smartphones are virtual computers that you can carry around in your pocket easily. These mobile phones not only allow you to talk to another…

Emerging Trends for Mobile App Development

The increasing demand for more functional apps has led to widespread interest in mobile app development, especially among the self-employed, and independent game developers. Anyone can create an app that could become the next smash hit, like, the indie game, Flappy Bird, which earned 50 thousand dollars every day, at the peak of its popularity,…

What’s Up With the Latest Mobile Apps?

With mobile application trends taking over the market, more and more people are using their smartphones to access to the internet, thus eradicating the use of personal computers. According to a recent study, using a smartphone for making phone calls is the fifth most popular use of the gadget. So, if you are among those,…

5 Factors That Influence the Cost of App Development in 2021

Mobile phones or smartphones have become a norm in the current world of technology, where almost every mobile user spends nearly half of the day using their mobile phones. And most of these users actually spend 90 percent of their mobile time browsing different applications. And this has made it imperative to have a mobile…

Mobile Development: Smart Way to Do Business

Mobile application development is a brand new trend in technology and services. With the advent of smart phones like BlackBerry or iPhone, the demand for mobile applications is on the rise. Users are expecting more out of these devices and to cater to this huge demand, many companies are trying their hand on mobile application…

Top Mobile App Development Solutions Platform

The inception of mobile devices and the subsequent exponential growth in the field of mobility has led to an immense opportunity and challenge both at the same time for companies, organizations and institutions. The mobile world brings with it a huge opportunity in terms of the increased reach that you can have for your products…

Mobile App Development Trends to Watch in 2015

From e-commerce to m-commerce, web apps to mobile apps, mobile to tablets, desktop to laptops… and many more. This is the technology which is constantly progressing with the rabbit pace. Actually, it has moved far beyond your imagination and perception. It seems like each year is celebrated as “The Year of Mobile”, because as the…

Top 5 Features of Mobile Photo Editing App

1: Selection 2: Color Correction 3: Focus and Blur Background 4: Pixel Clearing 5: Easy to Use Every app gives many tools for editing but this app gives a variety of tools for editing such as classical filters, color changing tool, Blurring background tool, changing background tool, Sharpness tool and many others. Now we know…

4 Top Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Cross platform mobile development refers to a technique of developing mobile applications which can be used on multiple mobile platforms. As there are numerous platforms, device fragmentation was one of the major challenges which made it difficult for the developers to create apps that runs on all mobile devices. Cross-platform mobile development tools were developed…

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