Mobile App

Ultimate Guide to Ensure Mobile App’s Conversions

Mobile apps that are successfully making a place in the market are the ones that are good at converting users. However, not every app is sure to have great conversions until their UI and UX are well optimised to tempt users for call-to-actions. Just good features and appealing look is not enough for a mobile…

What Do Consumers Want in a Business Mobile App?

2017 saw people spend more time on their mobile phones than ever before. A person spends roughly 2 hours and 41 minutes their mobile device daily. With so much dedicated consumer attention, business owners are putting more and more money into various digital practices that can ease their work and help them improve their revenue….

The Rapidly Changing Landscape of Mobile HTML5

According to the latest usage statistics posted on W3Techs, more than 54% of all websites currently use HTML5 as a markup language. The effectiveness of HTML5 can also be determined from the fact that it is currently being used by YouTube as its default video player. Likewise, Facebook has also switched from Flash to HTML5…

6 Mobile Apps That Can Help Improve Your Child’s Grades

Technology has been residing in the educational sector for quite some time now and you can actually use it to your child’s benefit. Not all mobile apps are a source of distraction and some of them can actually work to improve your child’s grades. When used correctly, even mobile phones can help students to study,…

Develop Once and Deploy on Multiple Platforms Says Adobe

Here’s how Adobe Mobile Application Framework helps in solving the hurdles relating to the following four parameters: 1. Design and Development: The holistic approach of allowing the designing and developing of apps with its integrated tools is of a great help in segmenting the development activity into executable tasks which cuts down heavy labor from…

Mobile App Development – Building Your First App

Building a mobile application can be a challenging experience. You may have a great idea for an application, but you may not know anything about designing and building an app. There are number of things you need to consider before building an app. Here is a step by step guide on building a professional mobile…

Mobile Apps For Business – The Power Is in the PUSH

Thinking about launching a Mobile App for your business? If not now, when? Now is the time to ride this wave of opportunity. We all know as Entrepreneurs and Business Owners that in order to stay competitive in today’s marketplace, you need to position your business to take advantage of emerging trends. Mobile Marketing is…

Top 4 Benefits for Making Investment in Mobile and Android Applications Development

the iPhone Operating System and Android are two global market leaders among other mobile operating systems. These two OS platforms have already revolutionized the way businesses or individuals use to communicate. Overtime, these platforms go through complete overhaul adding a wide variety of useful features helpful for personal as well as commercial communication. However, all…

5 Reasons to Create a Mobile App For Your Business

The times when people were busy reading their newspapers on the bus or in the park are over. Today everybody is stuck in their mobile devices. In most countries with advanced economy the number of smartphone users varies from 60% to more than 80%. Hundreds of new applications are downloaded every day, and it seems…

Cost Advantage and Time Advantage of Hybrid Mobile Apps

Most of the Business owners do give a thought about having a Mobile App for their business. However, when they start thinking on this ground, numerous questions arise in their minds. How much does it cost? How much time will the development process consume? Should I go for an App for the Android platform, or…

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