online branding

Website Design – The 8 "C’s" That Make a Site Sticky

I believe in judging a website by how well it converts visits into profits and this can be achieved with “stickiness”… the measure of how long a user spends on your site. The longer they stay the likelier they are to spend money, ask any good salesperson worth his weight in salt! Website Design, “stickiness”…

The Importance of Art for SEO and Web Design

SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is a technique implemented into websites and blogs to help with improving search engine rankings within sites such as Bing, Google and Yahoo! When you want individuals to find your website by searching for specific relevant and trending keywords in your target market or niche, SEO is essential….

Why Your New Program Launch Could Fail (And How to Prevent It)

The importance of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs Thinking about doing a product or program launch to get some fast sales? Read this first! Over the years I’ve worked with many entrepreneurs who are excited about getting going in their business. They’ve listened to many webinars and courses promising them riches with their next program launch…

Let a Marketing Consultancy Help You Discover Your Brand

A marketing consultancy firm can help you discover your brand and get it out to your clients and potential clients. A brand is the way you represent yourself to the public. Celebrities and large corporations work hard to brand themselves and gain recognition. But you don’t need to be a celebrity or work for a…

These 4 Web Design Principles Will Improve Your Conversion Rate

According to studies, humans have an attention span of merely 8 seconds. Therefore, businesses have only a few seconds to keep visitors on their website. When this is not achieved, chances are, visitors will leave the web page then move on to the next website. A website, which is well designed, is the key to…

Do Job Search Websites Work?

If you find yourself looking for a job or a change in career, then you need to make the numbers work for you. In today’s economy- and technology-driven world, you need to give yourself the best possible chance of finding a job and you can do that by learning more about the way in which…

Does Your Small Business Need a Website?

There has been much debating in recent years over the benefits of creating websites for small businesses. Some have argued that websites are an unnecessary extravagance for the small business owner. There is no denying that many websites fail to make an impact in today’s competitive online marketplace. However, this failure is typically due to…

Personal Branding 101

Many people are familiar with the marketing term brand management – an application of marketing techniques to a specific line of products or service. Large corporations like Coca Cola, Nike and Toyota are masters at branding. These corporations are known across the globe and their names are synonymous with terms like valuable, reliable and quality….

Now That YOUR Website Is Up, What Do You Do Next?

I visited the venue of the “Getting Nigerian Businesses Online”(GNBO) 5 day event (at Grandeur Events Centre at Billings way, Oregun) on day 2 – Tuesday 1st November 2011 – and was intrigued by the turnout of Nigerian business owners to take advantage of the offer: Everybody loves freebies! Due to other commitments, I did…

6 Effective Ways To Shoot Up Your Website’s Success

Ever felt that your website is not getting enough amount of traffic? Or you have visitors but they are not actually turning into paying customers. It is because you have only made an upright website but haven’t worked enough on the UX and UI elements for making the visitors turned to buyers. Experts in the…

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