
Three Ways to Brand Yourself in Network Marketing Online

You have signed on the dotted line and are now a part of a huge multi-level marketing company. Then they give you all the tools and sales paraphernalia at those Saturday morning network marketing meetings. Guess what? Every other distributor in your company has those same exact tools as you do. What do you do…

Tales From the Online Marketing Crypt 8 – The Inconvenient Side Effect of the Shop Local Movement

What Local B2C Businesses Need to Focus on to Stay Open Since COVID-19 barged in on our lives, there’s been a lot of rallying on social media about the #ShopLocal movement. I’ve been on that cheerleading team too-what about you? But when push comes to shove, are you REALLY shopping local or just supporting from…

Seven Easy Steps to Expand Your Local Business Online

It’s becoming more evident each day that the internet holds a vast potential for local business’s to thrive in ways they may have never thought possible. With the invention of things like Facebook, Twitter & Technorati, and their integration into our daily lives, it can become difficult to know where to start, or even when…

Online Brand Management – 5 Benefits of Viral Videos

Viral video is simultaneously the most entertaining and the most infuriating element of online marketing. Let’s clear the air quickly: No one can promise you a viral video success. Ever. Viral videos succeed because the audience likes them and spreads them on to other people. If the audience doesn’t get it, the video doesn’t go…

The Case for Positioning Versus Branding – Online Marketing

How do Brand and Position co-exist? Have you ever considered the difference in the two words and their impact on the success of your company and its product offerings? These and other online business ideas support these articles. Marketing campaigns that don’t have the expected impact can be traced to a misunderstanding of market dynamics…

How Online Communities Can Build Your Brand

When you start thinking of your customers and potential customers as a community that you want to be involved with, a lot will change in terms of your branding efforts. Branding is all about what your customers (and people who aren’t customers yet) think about you. How does seeing your logo, your content, and your…

Choosing The Right Photos For Your Website & Online Brand

How smart companies use images to boost their online presence You might think for an agency that does so much web design and blogging, we’re just writing and geeking out on code all day. And that’s partly true – we do do a lot of writing and custom coding. But part of being a good…

Online Branding Strategy

To put it simply, branding is a campaign to promote your company name and logo to the market through a lot of ways such as the common advertisement, public relations, and many more. Today we all can feel that the economy is slowed down, but trust me, internet is always a strategic place for your…

What Makes Corporate Branding So Essential For An Online Business?

Corporate branding plays a major role in showing the potential and existing customers what the business is all about. This is done through several elements such as marketing materials, logo, company design elements and so on. Here are reasons that make corporate branding so essential. For maintaining Differentness Corporate branding helps setting an online business…

Brand Identity and How to Be a Brand Online

A brand is a permanent voice or message that your company communicates to the public. A brand never changes. It should always be consistent and clear. Never go back on your statement, or views. A brand should be personable, and people are able to relate and sympathize. Having a personable voice allows you to build…

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