
Does Your Business Need a Website Maintenance Plan?

So, your new site is complete – congratulations! There are a lot of moving parts to a build, from coding to design to content. However, if you want to attract and retain customers, you can’t have a “set it and forget it” mentality once the initial work is finished – marketing your business is not…

Small Business With No Emergency Preparedness Plan? You’re Heading for Disaster

The word “Disaster” immediately brings to mind violence – of a hurricane or flood or earthquake. It’s only on second thought that the actual impact of a disaster – no matter what its cause – becomes clear. When disaster hits a small business with no emergency survival plan, the chances are it will mean total…

How To Write A Business Plan To Drive Your Succcess

Writing a business plan help to build a nice income online and drive your success, are you serious starting a online business? then you need find ways to take advantage over your competition, if you have thinking but “I’m just a one person working part time out my home….I don’t need a business plan” unless…

It’s a Big Multi-Media World Out There – Creating an Integrated Marketing Plan For Your Brand

Consider these statistics: 104 television channels in the average household. Over 12 million Blackberries used in 2008. Nearly 52 million iPods sold in 2007. More than 53% of Americans watch videos online. Almost 20% of Americans listened to podcasts. [1] Americans are multi-tasking through various media channels. They are listening to iPods while surfing the…

Small Business Marketing Plan – Increase Your Business Profit Without Breaking Your Marketing Budget

Most small business owners fail when it comes to their small business marketing plans. They’ve got excellent technical skills in their line of work, but that just doesn’t translate to having effective marketing skills. As a result, profitability of many small businesses has been declining over the years. Ever increasing competition is making it more…