
Auto Body Repair Shops Need A Web Presence Too

In the normal scheme of things, an auto body repair shop has to have some form of advertising in order to make its services known to as large a population of prospective customers as possible. In the past, it was through newspapers, magazines and, of course, word of mouth. Word of mouth advertising is one…

How to Check the Reliability of Online Shops

Online shops, including those hosted on Blogger and LiveJournals, are springing up like flowers after the spring rain, thanks to the widespread availability of the internet. Off-line shops have also found it de rigeur to have an online presence. While the internet opens up to shoppers a wonderful array of choice and styles at our…

Are Local Tea Shops Better Than Buying Tea Online?

Tea is an interesting commodity in that it is both widely sold online, and in brick-and-mortar stores. Whether you’re a die-hard tea enthusiast or lifetime tea drinker, or are just getting into the drink, you may be wondering whether it’s a better choice to buy through online stores, or local tea shops. Here I give…