social marketing

How To Make Your Business More Visible On Social Media

The more people see you, the more they’re going to remember you. When you think of it that way, you can automatically see that as people notice you it will build your brand. Some studies say that a new customer needs to be exposed to you at least seven times over a short period of…

Social Media Marketing Technique You Should Try To Hit Your Branding Campaign

No doubt, marketing is incomplete without social media nowadays. It becomes an important part of our journey that leads us the right path to reach the heights. Are you still waiting, whether you should go for it or not? Don’t waste your time, jump on the bandwagon, before you left behind and your competitors will…

Social Media Strategy And Branding – What Is Reverse Branding And Why Is It Important?

In social media marketing brands have to become personal. If this is done, strong brands will be created. Reverse branding is when a customer creates a brand with its own brand. This is critical in creating strong brands. One of the fundamental rules of social marketing is that customers and brand must create relationships with…

Social Media Strategy And Branding: The Use Of A Video Game Can Be An Incredible Branding Tool

Social Media Strategy and Branding: Creating A Brand Through Video Games Powerful brands can be created through a creative video game. The creation of brand in social media must be engaging, it must be fun, it must be visual. Video games are a medium that do this. In social media, customers want to involve themselves…

How To Use Social Media For Branding Like A Celebrity

Being a celebrity is a never ending task. The fame and fortune that come with this status require constant effort to maintain. As a celebrity, it is very important to maintain one’s brand. The brand is what makes people keep talking about you and thus making you a celebrity. As such, a celebrity should maintain…

Social Media Strategy and Branding: What Are the Eight Functions of a Brand?

A world class brand has 8 functions. It is critical to understand these functions to create a world-class brand. In a New Media Age, a marketer must have a solid understanding of branding. Social Media is a god send for a marketer. In order for this great tool to work, a marketer must be able…

Social Media Marketing: Can You Trademark a Hashtag?

Relation between Social Media and a Hashtag The word or phrase Hashtag is preceded by a hash sign (#) highly used on social media websites and applications to identify messages on a specific topic. Mainly it is used for social media Marketing purpose. The initiator has introduced hashtag with the intention to maximize the reach…

5 Best Apps for Social Media Marketing

Every online marketer recognizes the power of social forums. It can make or break a business. But with so many social media channels, how do you leverage on these platforms? Whether you are a fan of Apple, Android or Windows, there are many apps with different features that can help you organize multiple accounts. Besides,…

Are Social Bookmarking Sites Really Worthy To Grow Online Business?

In this world of technology, running online business became much easier with social media and social marketing. If you want to increase your online presence, social networking is the best option that you can hinge on. However, it is natural that some question may arise in your mind like, what is social bookmarking? How could…

The Significance of Social Media for Business Marketing

Let us talk about a simple fact, which is, social media presence is really significant for your business these days. This significance is growing at a great speed with each passing day. No matter you are the owner of a local shop in your area or running a company or business at a national level,…

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