social networks marketing

How to Save Time Using Twitter

Sure I’ve read about what a waste of time Twitter is. But I have to disagree. Actually, Twitter has freed up a good chunk of time for me…on a daily basis…since I figured out how to use it. Yes, I know about the people who only tweet about mundane (alright, inane) happenings – what they’re…

Inbound Vs Outbound Marketing for Your Business

Perhaps the single most important step you can take as an entrepreneur is to effectively market your goods and services. You can have the best products in the world, but if no one knows about them, your business will fail! When it comes to successfully promoting your business, you can choose from a variety of…

Social Marketing Revealed – Understanding How Social Marketing Traffic Works

Social marketing is the in thing – it is being considered as an integral part of any online advertising strategy today. The question is how do you receive high numbers of social marketing traffic? First things first, you need to understand why social media optimization is important. There are basically two reasons that outline the…

Combating Fake Followers In Influencer Marketing

Today’s digital marketing environment is one that has seen influencers pave the way for brands to make money through the appeal of mass social media followings. With influencer marketing becoming a major part of brand sales and growth, the digital space has also seen the rise of bad practices by influencers who take advantage of…

Makmende Phenomenon – Social Media Marketing Does it Again For a Kenyan Website

This issue of residing up country has completely embarrassed me. I realized this when my friend from the US asked me what is Makmende. First of all I thought she was trying to insult me, only to realize that almost every updated Kenyan is discussing the word on social media sites. By the way who…

Blair Witch Marketing

I just read a fascinating article in the November 2006 issue of Fast Company that has some revolutionary ideas about marketing. By now everyone with an interest in marketing has read the story of how the horror movie, The Blair Witch Project was made for $22,000 and parlayed into $248 million at the box office,…

The Top Ten Traffic Techniques for 2014

Traffic. There are times in our life when we want traffic and times we don’t. If you are on the road driving, trying to get from point A to point B, the less traffic the better. But, as a website or blog owner, without traffic you will not survive! There are numerous ways, both online…

Using Inbound Marketing to Promote Your Business

As an entrepreneur, your primary goal is to get customers to buy your products and services. Inbound marketing provides you with a low-cost means of getting found by customers. The idea is to take proactive steps to bring potential customers to you and motivate them to purchase your goods because of the quality content you…

Social Media ROI – How 3 B2B Technology Companies Are Achieving Revenue Results

I attended a great Tech Breakfast Club event this morning near my home in Northern Virginia, in which three panelists from local B2B technology companies shared the ROI gained and lessons learned by using social media to engage prospects and customers online. SafeNet (3rd largest provider of information security solutions in the world) ROI: $1…

How Should Professionals Use Facebook or Other Social Media?

Professionals can go the extra mile decorating their Facebook page without being productive. Some aspects matter to make their page enticing and boost up the purchases of their products. Read on. Here are a few tips: 1) Promote your products right Explain in short how your products are going to help and come to use….

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