viral marketing

Branding a Winery and Its Wine Is Expensive, Necessary and Benefits the Consumer No Matter the Size

A discussion about branding is generally not a conversation anticipated with excitement. If you’re a marketing type it can be characterized as maybe interesting. But, promising most people an indepth discussion on the subject of wine branding; heck, we might have no one accepting an invitation to our dinner party. In reality, creating a brand…

SEO Search Engine Marketing – The Top 6 Methods

There are many ways to market your website on the internet. Not every method works for every type of website or business. However, there are some methods that will make your SEO search engine marketing efforts a success regardless of your goals. 1. Fresh, targeted content is a must! All content for your website needs…

How To Use Social Media Effectively To Market Your Business

If you’re in business and Social Media is not part of your marketing mix, then you are missing out on a huge opportunity. But as with most things in life, if it’s not done properly, you can waste a lot of time, effort and possibly money and be frustrated by the lack of results. With…

Why Integrated Marketing Communications is Essential for Small Businesses

How can Integrated Marketing Communications help me, the small business owner? Integrated Marketing Communication is essential to small business owners because they, even more so than large corporations can not afford to misspend or waste money on a single isolated marketing effort. For instance, as a small business owner, it may be tempting to focus…

Celebrity Brand Endorsements Don’t Guarantee Sales

I don’t think there is a Small Business owner or Brand Manager alive who wouldn’t jump at the chance to have their product or service endorsed by a celebrity personality.  Instant exposure, massive Brand awareness, and a flood of new customers and revenue are the dream!  The reality however is not quite as idealistic.  Celebrity…

Video Marketing – 8 Proven Tips to Boost Your Sales Using Video Marketing

Video marketing is now one of the most effective internet marketing strategies to apply. In today’s modern world, most people are busy and have short attention spans. With all sorts of ads vying for their attention, you need something to capture their interest and engage as much of their senses. Videos are very powerful because…

MLM Attraction Marketing – The 3 Cardinal "Rookie Mistakes" To Avoid

There is no doubt that the fastest way to build a network marketing organization is to understand exactly what MLM attraction marketing is. In this article you will learn the three cardinal “rookie mistakes” that people make when they are trying to integrate MLM attraction marketing into their system. MLM attraction marketing is nothing more…

What Is the Difference Between Brand Promotion Team and News Media?

This is a content of my Advertising 4.0, so I pick up the key difference to talk it. The brand promotion team, which covering products, local brands, Party brands, etc. has its main characteristics as I said before, it is a front and fashionable team mainly analyzes the current problems, find out the countermeasures to…

Tough Economic Times? Time to Get Creative

Building a business is challenging enough when the economy is strong. But in a recession, being proactive is even more important. Sitting on the sidelines waiting for things to turn around is not a strategy. This is when you need to get even more creative with your marketing. Here are eight easy-to-implement tips designed to…

Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?

“So what’s with Twitter?” “What’s all this social media stuff all about anyway?” “I know I should be thinking about it, but I don’t know exactly what I should be doing about it.” I do a lot of speaking engagements about digital branding and social media, and I get asked about social media A LOT….

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