viral marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Great Social Media Manager

A great social media manager is, as Ron Burgundy would say: “The balls“. It’s an undisputed fact that every business needs to be active in social media. The ever-changing demands of the modern day consumer requires brands to think fast and adapt quickly in order to stay one step ahead. The role of a social…

Marketing Your Book Using Videos

Once you have written a book, no matter which genre you have written in, you will need to publish that book and you will need to promote that book. Of course, there are several different ways in which you can accomplish this; however, you may want to think outside of the box a little and…

Social Media Platforms and Story-Telling Marketing Strategy

Marketing is about telling stories, and telling interesting ones that people want to listen. If you know how to tell stories, and tell it effectively in Facebook and online, people will be attached to you and your story, which results to branding, long-term affinity and engagement. This will then translate to dollars and cents. People…

Supercharge Your Internet Marketing Response By Adding These Few Simple Words To Your Website

If you would like to know an almost laughably simple way to significantly enhance the selling power of your Internet marketing promotions, then this article will show you how. Check this out: One of the best ways to supercharge your online sales letters is to supplement them with audio. I have been doing this for…

Restaurant Social Media Marketing and Customers – A Volatile Mix

Do you engage in restaurant social media marketing efforts? How much do you think about what could go right or wrong? While social media can be a great promotional tool, the downside comes down to one concept: reputation management. As a recent article in Hospitality Technology points out, customers in today’s social media-obsessed world are…

Internet Marketing’s Best Kept "Secret" For Finding Hot, Passionate Niches To Sell To

Ask anyone making money on the Internet what the key is to their success and they will eventually admit that the key is finding hot markets to sell to. That the marketing and sales letters really take a back seat to finding that hot, passionate market that is flush with cash and ready to spend…

Why Social Media Marketing Automation Is Necessary for Your Business

Social Media Automation is an important aspect of your digital marketing strategy. Admit it, your time is never enough to do everything that you need to do in order to grow your business. As many experienced entrepreneurs will say, you should focus on the 20% tasks that will generate 80% results. In marketing, there are…

Online Advertising to Promote Or Revive Your Business

Some time ago when anyone thought about putting up an advertisement for his business then two most common things that would come to mind were the television and the hoardings but now the time has changed and technology has upgraded and we can go online to promote your business through internet marketing and placing an…

The Role of Social Media to Marketing & PR Professionals

Social media is evolving at the speed of light. We have only had a glimpse of what potential it may eventually have to marketers and public relations professionals. Twitter just recently added the ability to create lists to organize the torrents of data available. This will have an impact on the industry in ways that…

Why Internet Marketing "Gurus" Make Me Laugh

One of the biggest problems I see with my clients and friends in the Internet marketing business is this issue of “hero worship.” By that I mean, people start looking up to the various “gurus” like they’re bigger than life. As if they are somehow almost superhuman, with these amazing skills and abilities the rest…

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