viral marketing

Internet Marketing – 5 Easy Steps to Market Your Website

What if you discovered the secret recipe to promote your internet business and the power of internet marketing? Do you want to know how marketing your website on the internet can boost your business to new heights? The purpose of this article is to get you started making crazy income step by step starting today….

Social Media, Networking and Knowledge Management

Social networking, also referred to as social media, is an online network where a group of people get connected by bonds of friendship, professional relationship or some kind of common interest and passion. It comprises many internet based tools that let people to communicate, interact, engage and collaborate with each other in real-time, hence a…

The Business Benefits of Advergaming

Research has shown that 42% of gamers play online games for one or more hours per week. 50% of people who play advergames will do so for 25 minutes. And 90% of people who receive advergame challenges from someone they know will not only play an advergame, but respond to the one who sent them…

Is Business Social Media Marketing Still Worth It?

Articles on the algorithm change on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are circulating all over the internet. They say it has become harder for business to market online because the platforms aren’t like they used to be. The platforms are implementing these changes in an attempt to leverage the “social” in social media. This, however, does…

A Guide to Going Viral

Reaching customers and creating awareness is something that determines the success of any business. The access to customers has become significantly easier over the years thanks to the development of social media platforms. These platforms have given businesses a way to reach out to their customers in an effective and efficient manner. This is the…

Quick Video Marketing & Internet Video Marketing

A picture it is said is worth a 1000 words, A video is worth a MILLION hits! The famed J. Bill Gates, who shared his secrets to wealth and riches i) Be an observer of the trends ii) Be at the right place at the right time iii) Take massive immediate action! And recently, he…

Network Marketing Success – Creating A Viral Auto-Recruiting E-book Is Easier Than You Might Think

Writing an E-book may seem like a daunting task to many people. You may find that the hardest part is writing the 1st sentence. Once you have started, the writing quite often will just flow. Let it flow. Write it just like you think it. Don’t worry about spelling or structure at the moment. Just…

Social Media – Benefits of Tapping Social Media As a Marketing Tool

The social web, if used correctly, can be an important extension of your marketing efforts. Social media channels facilitate the submission of news, videos, photographs and podcasts, and the participation of users and people in general in the form of comments, discussions and votes. Today, there’s probably no faster route than social media to build…

Importance of SEO Tools in the World of Viral Marketing

The impact of the internet in the present times cannot be ignored. As everything is getting SEO optimized over the web, the importance of achieving a better rank for the website for a higher placement gets intense. Undoubtedly, SEO tools become one of the best options for placing your web based site at the top…

Targeted List Building With Social Bookmarking and Networking

If you’re looking for a way to get rich from home and you want to run or already run your own Internet business, one of the best tools you can make use of is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a method of social networking to increase your flow of targeted traffic to your website(s). It…

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