5 August 2023

Vehicle Wraps Great for Alternative Signage

As a business owner, I want my business to be as visible as possible when my potential customers and customers are passing by my location. I am not along in this desire about my business. This is a problem for many businesses that are either located off of a major route, or don’t have or are not allowed to have adequate signage promoting their business.

The major problem many of us are facing is that we are located within a municipality which has laws restricting sign size and location. We are constantly battling with our local government to allow us to advertise our business on common areas such as our building frontage and the accompanying grass area to make it visible to our passing perspective customers.

Many municipalities have set up very strict guidelines limiting what a company can advertise, where it can advertise, and how much space you can have depending on the building size. While we feel that many of these strict guidelines are a bit ridiculous, they can be very restrictive and annoying for the small business owner that is just trying to reel in customers to keep the doors open. We can appreciate their desire not to transform your fair city into another Las Vegas, we are trying to run and grow a business to support our communities.

In many cases, city codes are written in a way for the most part that only deal with static (or permanent) signage, a vehicle wrap can be a great alternative to surpass your municipalities codes and laws and promote your business.

With graphics on your vehicle, you are just another car parking in front of your business, except with one critical difference! Your vehicle is now a sign. You can not only gain valuable impressions for your business while driving, but during the day you have a way to show your customers your products and services just by parking outside your business. And many permanent signs are limited to a single color and generic font. With a vehicle wrap you can engage your perspective clients and draw them in to your offering.

Many people will chose to wrap their vehicle with a directional pointer, arrow or other graphic that can actually point to their business. This is a very effective way to drive customers to your location especially when you are in a congested location surrounded by other possibly competing businesses. For some, just having a wrapped vehicle that is parked outside day in and day out is enough to catch travelers by driving impressions over and over.

As you have seen by these examples, the value of a vehicle wrap extends far beyond your daily commute. Remember, if your wrapped vehicle can be seen, it is working for you. As a static sign that is parked outside your business, the investment in a wrap can be a major advertising asset to any small or large company. For the price of a small neon sign or a week’s worth of newspapers ads, you can have a mobile sign that gathers customers all day long just by sitting outside for years.

Source by Jonathan R Jones

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