What is Keyword Density?
Keyword density indicates the number of times a particular keyword or key phrase appears in certain parts of your web page, including the headline and the body.
Ideally, your content should include as many relevant keywords as it can. However, doing so could ruin the flow of your sentences and could end up reading unnaturally. This could eventually make your client look for another site that they can read better.
The best search engines employ search engine spiders to crawl over website contents and pull up pages and websites with keywords that correspond to the inquiry. The spiders can tell if your keyword density is unnaturally high, and your site will be reported to the search engine administrators. If they find that your website is just a flood of keywords without useful content, your website could end up being banned or black-listed.
There are keyword density analysers that are available online. These analysers compute for your content’s keyword density. They work with different matrices but in the end, they all tell you when you’re using keywords a little too much. Generally, the acceptable percentage of keyword density for your entire web page is between 3% and 8% in relation to the other non-keyword contents.
Having just the right keyword density makes you searchable without sacrificing the quality of your text content. Although keywords put in a lot of work for your website, the real moneymaker is well-written, relevant content.
When customers feel that you take the time to talk to them and address things that are important to them (in relation to your brand or product), then they’ll appreciate you more and reward you with their loyalty. And if they really like you, they’ll even tell their friends to give you a visit and check out what you have to offer.