30 May 2022

Blogging For Brand Recognition – Signature Blog Posts

Do you sign your blog posts? Does your name appear anywhere on most of your blog posts?

This question came up recently in a discussion about how writers create a platform upon which they can sell their books. Are you recognized as a writer?

For instance, I write the majority of my blog posts, even on my own websites as “admin” or “administrator” because that’s how I set up my blogs. It started out as a professional distinction, for when I post for my clients and became the standard posting signature for most all my blog posts. My name rarely shows up on my blog posts.

So, do I get recognized for them?

What kind of Brand Recognition comes from writing a blog post?

If I add a Resource Box as I would on most any article I wrote for most article marketing sites, my name might appear in the Resource Box. But, it might not. I might actually refer only to a website or relevant topic, and not mention my name.

So, in the almighty world of fame and fortune, am I short circuiting my own recognition factor by not using my name, or building a platform by which my name is recognizable? In these days where self-promotion is considered a dirty trick, writers often short themselves of recognition, in an effort to be politically correct. So, how to you change that self-promoting thing, without tooting your own horn in a politically incorrect manner?

Signature Blogs.

When the blog post particularly hits your target audience, make it a signature blog. Stick your name in the blog and take credit for your work in a resource box of some kind, in a “by-line” or some other form of acknowledgment of credit that tells people you are/were the writer of the article or blog post.

By all means, put your name in a resource box of sorts, list your name in the tags, and be one of the CATEGORIES your article is listed under on your own blog. Give yourself credit in ways that attract attention to the article via your name. In fact, I recommend even going an extra measure, adding a quote by yourself, or using a signature line in your article as a sub-title, or sub-heading. Find ways to insert your own expertise into the article in a “signature” fashion before you leave the article alone.

Writing your name in the sands of time means standing on your soap box and taking credit for what you say. Give yourself credit with a signature brand that effectively says “this is me come and read.”

Source by Jan Verhoeff

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