5 February 2022

Branding: New Buzz Word for Internet Success

A few years ago Mike Dillard did all of us favor when he created his attraction marketing program called “Magnetic Attraction” which delivered to the starving crowd of internet marketers with great success. His program created a paradigm shift on how to market to our prospect online. Since the release of magnetic attraction lots of internet marketing system have incorporated his approach to marketing to their leads. Those that have followed is way of marketing have created a great amount of wealth both in term of time freedom and monetary resources.


Now all the internet Gurus are telling anyone who will listen that best way to become a success in the internet marketing world is brand themselves as the next messiah. The problem with this is most people don’t have a clue as to what that means or how to approach it. Because if you ask most people in the internet marking realm what they do they will they will tell you they are a representative of whatever MLM they are trying to get people to join. If they don’t know what they do how can they start the process of branding themselves.


To effectively brand yourself you must first figure out what it is you are trying to represent to your prospect. Marketers must remember that the product they sell is only a commodity; it’s not what they do. The commodity or product they represent is not what the prospect wants from them. What the prospect is looking for is for someone to help them end their pain, what ever that pain may be. And it is your job to present yourself as that person that will solve their problem. So with branding being the new buzz word circling the internet as the solution that all MLM should do that will help them to solve all their problems one must be careful how we approach the branding of ourselves or our company because if we don’t do it the right way we may project an image that is not congruent with our message.

Source by Lionel Carolus

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