1 February 2022

BREW – A Unique Platform for Mobile Application Development

The basic advantage of this platform allows the developers to easily port their applications among all the Brew devices by providing a set of application programming interfaces. This platform has been described as a pseudo operating system, but not a true mobile operating system.

This is a perfect platform for software programmers, as it has a full set of application programming interfaces that enables the developers to make software applications in C, C++, Java and is supported by a circuit called an application specific integrated circuit.

Brew application development

Brew application environment supports event-driven architecture which is similar to Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and other operating systems.The developers are allowed to develop two types of applications using Brew. One is ‘Applet’ which is a GUI application that has a user interface and other is the ‘Extension’ which is a reusable code module written by OEMs and other third-party software vendors. These third-party software includes additional functionality in the handsets.

Features of Brew

Advantages of Brew

Drawbacks of Brew

Due to the difference in hardware environments and emulation, it is very difficult to test and debug the Brew applications.

Source by Anand Raju

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