8 October 2020

Real Deals – Advertizing in a Magazine With Real Local Business Ads

Are you looking for great ways to advertize your local business? We have a few suggestions for how you can make real deals happen for your local business.

Offline Advertizing Strategies –

Posting a colorful ad in a magazine of ads that support local businesses will keep your ad on the coffee table in many local homes, where the newspaper is thrown away. You get more, because people keep the magazine so they can check back for specific ads, frequently.

Increase ROI from Advertizing Investment –

The more often your ads are seen in print, the more likely your customers will pick up the phone or stop by your store. Make sure the ads you place in print documents are highly visible and actively displayed more than once. (Newspaper readers, read it and toss it. Magazine readers pick it up over and over again.)

Ad Effectiveness –

Occasionally, buy or place two ads in a publication. Make one more visible than the other with great graphics, and give one a punch with real copy – worded to remind your customer that you’re the best DEAL in town. See which one works best, and do that ad more often.

Print Advertizing Options –

The most powerful ad graphics include pictures of the business owners. By far the most effective ads in print, are those that include a photo of the business owner, the location, and indication of what the business is about. Make sure your print ad includes words to grab the reader’s attention if the photos aren’t self explanatory.

Elements of a Successful Print Ad Campaign –

There are several elements of a print ad campaign that you need to be aware of when you’re setting up ads with a publisher. First, off, don’t count on instant results. First you pay for the ad, then you design the ad, and then a month or more down the road the ad is printed and shared with buying customers. Print is not an instant gratification option. It takes time…

Beyond that, there are several bits of a print ad campaign that you need to know about:

1 – Print Ads either linger a bit or get tossed fast. Publish your print ads in ways that they’re likely to linger and be seen by more than one person. A successful print ad gets results more than once, and lingers for a week or two in the home of the buyer.

2 – Print Ads must include address and phone number. You can’t click on the link, so while including a link in a print ad is a good idea, you need to include your address and phone number too.

3 – Color. Must I repeat myself? COLOR matters. If you’re not printing this in black and white, which means contrast is a thing, then you need color. Be sure to snap up all the color value you can, in your printed ad. You need color to captivate the audience. Use it.

Advertize your local business in a local ad magazine and see how much further your ads can go.

Source by Jan Verhoeff

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