20 November 2020

SEO Services Bring Your Neighbors to You

Why small businesses need to optimize and localize their websites

In a city like toronto, it is important to maintain a local focus in your advertising. The city is large, diverse and filled with unique and interesting neighborhoods. Your location is a selling feature, certain to draw in the many customers seeking specific services or retailers that are close to home.

Consider just a few of the many industries and retailers that are routinely sought after through internet searches:

None of these businesses sell their goods online, yet all can benefit from a website and online marketing strategy that emphasizes their location. By stressing that they are right in the neighbourhood, they are likely to draw newcomers to the area and existing residents who were not previously aware of them.

how seo services can help attract a local audience

Consider someone looking for a hairdresser in toronto. Typing “hairdresser toronto” would yield hundreds of hits. But typing “hairdresser yonge eglinton” or “hairdresser riverdale” would return fewer and far more relevant results.

And if you think that people aren’t going to look for that kind of specialty local service on the web, think again. According to a 2007 webvisible study (in conjunction with neilsen/netratings), nearly 80% of internet searchers use the web to find a local business with full intention of visiting that business.

In fact, 28% of people surveyed use search engines (like google) once or more per week to find local businesses. compare that number to only 14% who use local newspapers, 12% who use online yellow pages, and 6% who use phone directories.

Once consumers find a business they tend to be won over by the company’s website. Some 85% of people felt the quality of a website was important to earning their trust.

Seo is vital to your success in attracting local visitors and converting them into paying customers. With the right seo services, you can optimize your site for local search i.e. incorporate keywords that describe your neighbourhood. you can also build an inviting website that provides the information customers are seeking. Your site will, in turn, make them feel that you are the right business for them.

Seo services do not have to be expensive either. They are inherently scalable, meaning that you can choose a few key services to boost your local presence without exceeding the limits of your marketing budget.

If you own a small business in toronto, you are probably very proud of the neighbourhood you work in. Why not use that neighbourhood connection to appeal to potential customers who live and work nearby? With the right combination of seo services, you can do just that.

Source by Susan Lipton

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