28 December 2020

Spring Simplifies Mobile Application Development

As a popular hitch, the people working hard at the Spring Source faced issues with the web apps which would not go pleasant on the mobile devices. The obvious reasons being the computing power and screen sizes of the Smartphones.

For the people new to technology, if you are wondering what is Spring in the first place then Spring is that framework that the programmers believed that it would solve a set of problems which stood at the path of the software evolution with respect to the challenges posed by the Enterprise Java Beans Specification.

For the relevance of the Spring to the mobile application development industry, the Spring for Android project supports the usage of the Framework in an Android environment. With this, the ability of using the Rest Template as the REST (Representation State Transfer, a type of the Web service protocol) clients for the Android applications is now a possible reality. Along with the usage of the Rest Template, the Spring framework for Android also enables support for integrating the Spring Social functionality into the android apps with a robust protocol based, authorization client and implementations for popular social websites, such as Twitter and Facebook.

With every release of the Spring Android the Rest Template and Spring Social support for Android this mobile OS is continuously reviving in terms of making the process of RESTful HTTP requests and accessing REST APIs secured by a protocol. With Social media being the integral part of any app, the Spring Source professionals are continuously tiring out to give the best environment for the developers keeping in mind the priority of the end users’ connectivity.

Spring for Android seems very relevant in the present and future as the architecture of this framework is developed exclusively for the very large systems. And as we know Android as the popular mobile OS dominating the mobile industry, Spring is the most wanted technology framework for a better connectivity of the Android enabled Smartphones.

Benefits of Android for Spring as a Dependency Injection

  1. The primary benefits of using a DI framework in the Android development are that it makes the source code easy to understand, maintain and to extend. Also it reduces the size of the source code thus decreasing the time it takes to implement a new functionality.
  2. Another beneficial aspect of using Spring the Android technology is that it reduces the testing cost of the project as Spring will offer as a dependency injection.
  3. Reduced maintenance cost is also in terms of long-term projects when applications are constantly updated and maintained.
  4. With this new release of the Spring for Android framework it ensures that the app has lower bug rates with increased customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the aspects that the Spring Source professionals are trying to better the framework:

  1. Increased memory usage.
  2. Performance overhead.
  3. Complexity in configuration.
  4. Less transparent source code

With all the pros and cons evaluated for contribution of this framework, we can conclude that the dependency injection architecture for android is required for the ever-changing business needs and with the kind of adaptation that the world has seen with the mobile application development for Android, Spring framework is much awaited to deliver perfect apps on the android platform.

Source by Lakshmi Balu

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