
How Key Performance Indicators Can Improve Your Online Presence

KPI or Key Performance Indicator metrics translate complex measures into simple indicators, which allow decision makers to quickly and efficiently assess the situation and come up with an answer. For them to work smoothly in your business, you need to bear in mind a singularly key point – all KPI’s need to be actionable. Which…

How To Improve Online Presence Of Your Business?

There is nothing more important for an entrepreneur than to attract and retain customers. While different entrepreneurs follow different marketing strategies to put their business ahead of their peers, there is nothing but rewarding and appreciated than the benefits of developing a distinctive online presence for a growth-oriented business. With the availability of the Internet,…

Ways to Improve Superstores: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Walmart clearly leads the pack of superstore moneymakers, but the global enterprise is not alone. Kroeger, Target, and Walgreen show up next in a recent online list of 2012’s TOP 100 RETAILERS. Even Raley’s supermarket chain, headquartered in West Sacramento, California, is on this list–although at the bottom. It’s nearly impossible to avoid buying at…

Personal Branding – Improve Your Google-Ability

Have you ever typed your name into Google? When you do, is it really you that comes up? It’s quickly becoming a well-known fact that HR personnel and hiring managers at many companies will type job applicants’ names into Google before deciding who to interview. What comes up when your name is fed to Google…

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