9 December 2020

How Key Performance Indicators Can Improve Your Online Presence

KPI or Key Performance Indicator metrics translate complex measures into simple indicators, which allow decision makers to quickly and efficiently assess the situation and come up with an answer. For them to work smoothly in your business, you need to bear in mind a singularly key point – all KPI’s need to be actionable. Which means, they should report on the metrics that matter to your organization. While the decision maker might have the final say in deciding on which KPI’s to select (and which to reject), all department heads should be involved in suggesting strategic indicators that would work best for their department.

To understand which kind of KPI would work best for you, you first need to define the site you have. Note, if your company has a website which serves multiple functions, it may be more difficult to identify success measures for the site. Similarly, if your business has more than one website, each website should be treated as an individual entity. It’s also important to remember that KPI metrics should cover a broad spectrum of both financial and non financial goals.

The following are some of the more popular types of business websites we come across today:

Commerce Sites

In this kind of environment, the goal is to get customers to buy goods and services directly online. An example would be amazon.com or expedia.com

The KPI’s for this site is fairly simple to identify, as it tally’s with the site’s bottom line goal – to earn revenue. They should include the following:

Content Sites

Content sites generally rely on online advertising to bring in the revenue. Alternatively, they may be built to promote an offline venture. Either ways, their purpose is to attract the largest possible audience and keep them coming back. News sites like Cnn.com and ABCNews.com and sites like WebMd.com are examples of content sites.

The site’s goal is generally to bring in more visitors, thereby increasing the site’s ad revenue. If this is the case, the KPI’s should include:

Lead Generation Sites

Typically sales sites fall in to this category. The idea is to get visitors to submit as much information (not too much, as that would put them off signing up in the first place), so that sales representatives can follow up with them.

KPI’s here can overlap with those outlined for an ecommerce site, however, there are other indicators. These include:

Support Site

The support site’s aim is to provide answers to its patrons. Forums work a similar manner, and a good example is that of Sears Community Page. The site may also be the customer service online presence for a business or service. Some of the KPI’s for such a site include:

While there are many free and paid for tools available, take your time to see how you can best identify, implement and track KPI’s for your own business.

© 2011 Usha Krishnan Sliva

Source by Usha Krishnan Sliva

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