social branding

Social Media Marketing Guide for Beginners

Social Media Marketing is the process of gaining attention and web traffic through the social media sites. During this process, usually creative content to reach the masses through publicity coming from a third-party trusted source needs to be created in order for people to share the content of their interest with others and create a…

Facebook and Social Media Marketing

A couple of decades back the terms social media marketing was not really popular. A few years back, the internet revolution gave a completely new meaning to the concept of marketing. The introduction of networking utilities like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ has opened new avenues of marketing for businesses worldwide. The social media company that…

Health Literacy: A Strategic Marketing Asset And Corporate Social Responsibility

Health literacy can be defined as people’s competencies to access, understand, appraise and apply information to make health decisions in everyday life. It helps individuals make healthy choices in times where the boundaries between work and life aren’t so clear anymore. When people fall ill, they seek the best treatments possible. But, how could they…

What Is the Importance of Social Media Marketing?

In the world of technology communication has become easier than ever. The world has now shrunk from a vast populated land to a network of communicating individuals living in a global village. People from all over the globe have come closer together and distances have decreased to the extent that an individual is merely a…

Tips on Writing an Effective Social Media Marketing Request For Proposal (RFP)

About a year ago, I wrote an article with guidelines on writing a website design and development Request for Proposal (RFP), which received a great response. Now I think it’s high time to do the same thing for those wishing to engage an agency for Social Media Marketing and other Online Marketing and Advertising consultation…

What Does Social Media Mean For SEO?

Social media is a very recent phenomenon. Only in the last few years has it really begun to take off. However it certainly hit the runway at some pace as social networking has rapidly gone from a niche activity to a full blown internet culture. It has reached the stage where people often organising their…

Small Business Internet Marketing and SEO

In today’s competitive environment, Internet marketing and SEO for small business is one of the fastest growing marketing/advertising techniques, used to meet the goals of your online business. Fine-tuning your small business site helps your site rank high in search engine results. Thus promoting your business website through Internet marketing improves the effectiveness of your…

How to Design a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2018?

A couple of years ago, you could live with a simple social media marketing strategy in your company’s marketing plan. But, not anymore! In 2018, every business must have an online presence and you got to mold your marketing strategies to beat the competition. It is more like that you thought something had worked for…

Improve Your Image Through Better Social Media Marketing

In years past, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were primarily used as outlets to share family photos or talk about your day-to-day lives. While people use these sites for those purposes, they have also become very effective marketing tools. The following article will help teach you how social media can be used…

Tips to Help Improve Your Social Media Marketing

When social media first emerged on the scene, it was underestimated by many brands. It’s not ’til now we’re seeing more and more business owners creating a presence on these platforms. The ones who jumped aboard early on are reaping the benefits now, especially if they had the assistance from social media marketing companies. If…

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