7 August 2021

Ultimate Guide to Ensure Mobile App’s Conversions

Mobile apps that are successfully making a place in the market are the ones that are good at converting users. However, not every app is sure to have great conversions until their UI and UX are well optimised to tempt users for call-to-actions. Just good features and appealing look is not enough for a mobile app. You need to make sure to keep it in line with the best conversion optimisation rules. Surely, for that, you need assistance from one of the most experienced mobile app development companies with expert developers to take care of the aspects of UI and UX.

But, as of now, let’s get through some of the key conversion-driven strategies for your mobile app that will help your app’s sales and revenue rise up.

Work on the speed

If there’s one undoubted way to raise conversions of your mobile app, then it is ‘faster loading speed’. While research studies by key authorities have found out that nearly 49% of users abandon a site or an app just because it is slow, you need to think about the speed aspect as the foremost factors for improving your app’s conversions.

Use of appealing images

People look before they read. Yes, that is apparently true for every online medium including websites and apps. So, if you are not putting enough good images or attractive visuals with which users can connect to, then you might be losing a lot of users. Short content with images is better at persuading the users. Make sure that every page of your app, starting from onboarding to checkout page has images, quirk graphical illustrations or icons to look more convincing.

Advanced search and navigation

Try to make your app’s search functionality enhancing with autocomplete, autocorrections, keywords or product suggestions. It means as the users type anything in the search box, they will be getting all relevant recommendations at once and that will help them to get their desired products/service pretty quickly.

Apart from optimising the search, make sure that your app’s navigation is quite seamless too, especially navigating through the menu. There should be effective filtering options, well categorisation of the products or services and direct link for checkout from them menu.

Do not forget about Push notifications

Well, push notifications are a great way to get back the attention of your old or existing customers from time to time. Send them pop-up notifications informing about a new offer, new product inclusion, opening of an additional store and so on. All that will make your customers feel special and valued and might influence them to make purchases again.

Push user-generated reviews

Positive and constructive reviews that your app receives from the existing users have a great role to play in conversions. It makes your app look more credible and produces a feeling of trust in the new users who have just installed your app. Thus, make sure to implement a feature to push the users to rate and review your app after a few sessions.

Going by all these proven ways, your mobile app developers will certainly let you see a rise in the conversions of your app. However, just going by these is not always enough to maintain consistency in conversions. You need to keep a close eye on the performance and analytics of the app to know about user behaviour and decide UX strategies for the future.

Source by Rob Stephen

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