21 December 2020

The Good and Evil Presence in Your Online Communities

As you are building your brand and then maintaining your brand, you will get all sorts of people to notice you. Of course, you will get the right people to notice you. Those are people with whom you wish to interact. You will also get the wrong people to notice you online.

Everyone likes to have a say

There is no doubt that the Internet has given a lot of people freedom and opportunities that they never felt they had before. People who may not have had the confidence to express their opinions to you in person (or even over the phone) may find it a lot easier to be bold (sometimes, to the point of being obnoxious) online where they can enjoy relative anonymity. Of course, that ability to communicate freely can work positively as well.

There are many people who will take the opportunity to interact with you in a constructive manner and those interactions will serve to strengthen the relationships that you already share with those people. On the other hand, there are also going to be people who are not as appreciative of what you do and of how you do it and they will not hesitate to express exactly how they feel about that.

There are ways to handle the criticisms that you and your business will undoubtedly be on the receiving end of. It is important to bear in mind that the negative experiences in life are often the ones that teach you the most and those experiences are also frequently the most memorable. You tend to carry them with you wherever you go. It is important to understand that dealing with criticism in this context is different than merely learning how to deal with negative criticism and then moving on. You can’t necessarily apply that approach to successfully resolving the issues that you will be dealing with.

There are different “difficult” type of online people whom you will come across and you may have to deal with each type in a slightly different way.


The fact is that there will always be good people and evil people who are a part of your online social communities. What is most important is knowing how to deal with negative criticism effectively and then learning from what you have experienced so that you can do better next time. Remember to truly listen to the other person whenever possible. They often have something valuable to say. If there is something that should be done as a result of the discussions that you have with other people online, remember to do it quickly and do it right. It will create a very positive perception of you and of your business.

Source by Carolyn Cohn

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